Well Shinra's Finished....

*wipes tears from eyes* I'll be alright....really. Anyway, with Shinra, and the really hot president....*moment of silence* gone, there's only Sephiroth left. And he's soooooo going down. Now, there's a chance that everyone may not come out of here alive, so Cloud tells everyone to go and find a reason to fight. If they don't return, he'll understand. Tifa and Cloud have no where to go and spend the night together (not like that! get your mind out of the gutter!). Luckily for them, everyone returns, ready to kick Sephiroth's ass! Whoo hoo! Let's go! The Highwind takes off for the crater, and the ladder is let down. Ready?

Uh.....Are You Sure?

Ok, no...get back in the Highwind and run straight for the pilot. Get the hell outta there!! Odds are you are *not* ready to fight Sephiroth. There is a whole lot of stuff you should do to ensure an easy battle.
1. Master Materia!!! Most of your materia should be mastered by now, which means you should have doubles of most of it, if not triples or more than that. To get a particular materia to level up fast equip someone with a weapon with double or triple group and hike around Mideel or the crashed plane.
2. Ultimate Limit Breaks!!! The only one you *really* need is Cloud's. You can get his by fighting in the Gold Saucer battle arena until you have 32,000 Battle Points. This may take awhile. Take plenty of GP with you cause it's 10 GP a shot to play. Remember, you lose all your battle points when you leave the battle arena. When you have 32,000 BP pick up Omnislash. For a semi easy time in the battle arena, equip your fighter with a ribbon, his or her ultimate weapon, and the follow types of materia: restore, heal, counter, death blow, 2xcut, Comet, Odin and another summon. Also take some ethers with you.
As for everyone else, no one was far enough to learn them in my game, but in case yours are....:
Barret: Catastrophe can be obtained by speaking to the woman in the middle house in North Corel.
Tifa: Final Heaven can be obtained by going to Tifa's house in Nibelheim with her in your party. Play the following tune on her piano: Do-Re-Mi-Ti-La-Do-Re-Mi-So-Fa-Do-Re-Do
Yuffie: Yuffie gets her All Creation limit break by defeating all the levels in the pagoda in Wutai.
Cid: His Highwind limit break can be found in the crashed plane off the coast of Gold Saucer.
Vincent: Visit Lucretia's cave in disc three to get his Chaos limit break
Red XIII: You get Cosmo Memory after defeating Lost Number back on disc one.
3. Pick up everyone's ultimate weapons. Click here to find out where to get them.
4. Levels and hit points: Pick the two other party members, (besides Cloud, duh!) who you like most (I chose Tifa and Cid. I didn't pick Vincent. Why, when I love him so much? More on that later.) and work on leveling them up at least until they're in the 60's. Also you want to get their HP's to 9999 and MP to 999. This can be done by equipping a few HP and MP + materias. If you bought them back on disc one you should have them maxed out, or close to it, by now.
5. Ultimate WEAPON!! You'll have to fight Ultimate Weapon to get Cloud's ultimate weapon. Ultimate Weapon will be hanging out in the air by Junon on disc 3. Put Vincent and Barret in your party, give Cloud the long range materia and just pound away at it until it flies off. Then follow it and ram into it with the Highwind until it stops. Keep attacking it and following it until the creature finally stops at Cosmo Canyon. When you defeat it here, it'll crash into the canyon and make a huge crater. Yeah, you have Cloud's best weapon.
6. Emerald WEAPON? Ruby WEAPON? Emerald WEAPON is in the water, and Ruby WEAPON will appear in the desert around Gold Saucer after Ultimate WEAPON is defeated. They are both a million times harder to defeat than Ultimate WEAPON. I didn't bother with them.
7. Chocobo breeding.... You will need to breed chocobos to get the best materia in the game. Breeding chocobos is annoying and expensive. Here's how to go about it. Go to the Chocobo Farm and buy all the stalls. Then set out to Mideel and catch 4 of them. Go back to the Farm and take the ones choco billy calls "great". You'll need one, but take all of them, if you get more than one. Then go to Gold Saucer and capture 4. Back at the farm, take the ones choco billy comments, "this seems like a good Chocobo." You'll need one the opposite sex of your great Chocobo! You can't mate them otherwise...not successfully anyway. Then feed them a ton of greens. The best greens to feed them are the Tantal greens. When you've pretty much maxed out their stats, go and race them at gold saucer until you've maxed out your stats. When you win a race a gold saucer, take the GP unless you've won something good like an ether or a potion. When both chocobos are S class racers, haul yourself over to Bone Village and walk around outside until you encounter a red dragon like creature called a Vlakorados. Mug it until you get a carob nut. You'll need two of these, so hunt around for another one while you're there. Go back the mate your two chocobos and you should get a blue or green colored Chocobo. Congrats! The blue ones can go over rivers, and the green ones go over mountains. If you get a green on, get on it and take the highwind to Wutai. cross the mountains and enter the materia cave to get the Mimic materia. Equip it right away! With a blue materia you can go get the quadra magic materia located in a cave east of Mideel. Go gather some more carob nuts until while you wait for you chocobos to be able to mate again. You might also want to go to Icicle Inn and start trying to catch a wonderful Chocobo. This takes a lot of patience. When you first two are ready, mate them again and hopefully you'll get a different color of the opposite sex. When you actually have a blue and green you'll be able to mate, feed them like before the race them till they're S class. Then take your carob nut and mate them. You should get a black Chocobo. That way you can get a black Chocobo. Hopefully you'll get one the opposite sex of the wonderful Chocobo you caught. If not, keep trying till you do. Repeat the feeding and racing procedure you did previously with the other chocobos, then head to the small forested area north east of the ranch. In that forest you'll find little creatures called Goblins. Mug them to get the Zeio Nut, then mate you chocobos. You should get a Gold Chocobo. Yeah! 20 years later!! Head to the round island located in the far north east corner of the map and go inside. There's your knights of the round materia. Whoo hoo!!!
8. Master your mimic materia, and level up Knights of the Round so you can cast it twice. Set up everyone in your party with that essential materia that you'll need.

Ready Or Not, Here We Come

Once you've done everything, you're ready to head into the North Cave. Ok, make sure your main party is ready here. I do not represent putting Vincent in your main party, and that's because of his limit breaks. You can't afford to lose anyone when you're fighting Sephiroth. Set up your main party with the following materia: deathblow, all-restore, heal, all-barrier, all-haste, 2xcut, slash all, Bahamut, Bahamut ZERO, Neo Bahamut, HP+, MP+, revive, debarrier, and counter attack. Give someone Qudra-Knights of the Round, and give the other two party members Mimic. Heh heh....give two of the party members Ribbon and the other the Safety Bit.....hehe...make sure you have 100 X-potions and a whole lot of Ethers, Turbo Ethers and Phoneix Downs...we're coming, Sephiroth.
There are no save points the crater, so make sure you pick up the save crystal. I'll tell you where to put it later. Head on down into the planet. When you're prompted to split everyone in two, opt to go right, and take everyone you like with you. Send the characters you don't like down the left path. Not that they're going to die a harmful bloody death or anything, but anyway....
The right path is cool cause there are no sudden death enemies and it's pretty straight forward. When you reach the next screen, set up the save crystal, talk to everyone and take their items. There's no turning back now. Before you head down, heal everyone and take the Safety Bit off the character it was equip to and give them a white cape instead.
As you hop towards the center you'll be forced into fights against Iron Men and Dragon Zombies. Usually a couple of deathblows and some 2xcut will get rid of them quick enough. At the center, it's time for a another word from Jenova.

Difficulty Level: Laughably Easy
Who I Used: Cloud, Cid and Tifa
Times I Died: 0

If you're as ready as you should be for this battle, this should be really easy. It has three parts, so hit it with a good summon (save knights of the round) and slash all a few times and that's the end of that story. Easy, huh?

After the battle you plummet further down into the planet. Depending on how fast you whooped Jenova's ass, you'll be prompted to split your party into 1, 2 or 3 parties. I got the 3 party prompt, because I killed Jenova in about 2.5 seconds. Here were my parties:
1. Cloud, Cid and Tifa
2. Red, Yuffie and Vincent
3. Cait Sith and Barret (sorry, Barret)
Equip the 2nd team semi-well, but screw the third party over. If you're really ready, you shouldn't need them.

Bizarro Sephiroth--Uh, We Knew That.....

This is Sephy's first form. It has 5 parts, but you know what, if you have Knights of the Round, cast it once and that will be the end of Bizarro Sephiroth. Painfully easy, huh? If you don't have Knights of the Round.....well....hahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha....excuse me.

Safer Sephiroth--Safer For Who, Him??

Sephiroth's second form is harder, but not if you don't screw up like I did. Well, I didn't majorly screw up, but I kinda forgot that I set up my party so I could actually cast Knights of the Round three times. Before you start with that tho, set up wall, haste and regen on your party. You want to be safe in case something goes wrong. Then cast Knights of the Round. If you did what I said you should be able to mime it with the other two characters. If Sephiroth is still alive after this, or you don't have mime or you forget or something like that, use Bahamut ZERO, limit breaks, Comet 2, Death blow, 2xcut etc. Use Debarrier to get rid of Sephy's protection and heal when necessary. If you character without the ribbon gets hit with the Pale Horse attack, use Esuna on him/her right away. Oh, and you *must* watch out for Sephiroth's 5 minute long summon, Super Nova, which hits you with all the planets and a meteor. The strategy guide says it causes 3,000-5,000 pts of damage, but you know what, it caused about 9,000 on me and if I hadn't had regen, I would have been dead. Just keep piling it all on Sephiroth, and eventually, he'll falter.

Sexy Sephiroth---yeah, there's more!

Surprise, surprise! He's still not dead! And now he doesn't have a shirt on! But don't let those muscles scare you! Cloud's ready to go. His limit meter is out of control, and from my experience Sephy just stands there til ya hit him with Omnislash. That'll do it. Cue the blood running down his face and his body exploding! Sephiroth's dead!!! WHOO HOO!!! Enjoy the Ending!!

"I am *not* dead. I was merely pretending."

"Sure ya were, hon. Give the link while you're here." *leaves*

*pouts* "Fine. Go Back to the stupid FF7 section. But I'm not dead!!"