Here's where I'll answer questions about FF8, FF7 or FF9. E-mail me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
"Or for more reliable information you can e-mail me, Sephiroth!"
Who would want to do that? If you're looking for a FAQ about the page or me, go here. Anyway, on with the show. Do you want to see questions on Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 7 , Final Fantasy 9 or crossover questions?.

Final Fantasy Eight

Q. Where is Cactaur Island?

A. Ready for a vague description? Here goes. Fly over to the continent of Esthar, and from there to the east coast. Fly southward, and you should come across an island covered in sand that has a green things that pops up in the sand. If you land and start to encounter a lot of cactuses, congrats, you found it.

Q. Where are the islands closest to heaven and hell? And what's up with them?

A. There are 2 good things about these islands: 1) they are home to the toughest monsters in the game, so you'll gain a lot of experience by going around and killing things. And 2) they are covered in draw points.
How to get to the island closest to heaven (the one I prefer, in case you care.): fly to the Esthar East coast and head north. You'll encounter land covered in forests. Land on the islands off the coast of this area and open your menu. On the bottom left hand corner it will tell you your position. Keep landing on islands till it tells you you're on the island closest to heaven. Sorry, but this is the best explanation I can give you without a map. I do have maps, but I don't want to get arrested for using them without permission.
The island closest to hell is on the opposite side of the world. Fly to the Galbadian continent's West coast and head north, past Deling City. You should encounter a series of 3 islands, the last one long with a pointy tip. This is the island closest to hell. Use the menu trick if you still aren't sure.
Btw, if you're there for the draw points, you better have ENC-NONE, or you'll be spending most of your time running from battle. To find draw points, walk around the outer edge of the island pressing X rapidly.

Q. Which continent is which?

A. Here's how you tell. First, know how to use your map. Press select, and a map should appear in the lower right hand corner. Press select twice more and the map will become the whole screen. The yellow dots represent different locations, mostly cities. The red dot is you. See the lone island in the center? That's Balamb, where you started. If you want to get your bearings, go there. When you reach Balamb open up your map again. Now, you will notice that besides Balamb there are 4 major land masses: to the North of Balamb is Trabia. To the West is Galbadia. To the East is Esthar and to the South is Centra.

Q. Which areas do you like best?

A. Balamb is my favorite, followed by Galbadia. Esthar is my least favorite. I hate that place. I don't care if Laguna is President.

Q. Which disc is best in your opinion?

Here's what I think. The beginning of disc 1 is pretty tedious, through the part where you go to Galbadia Garden, though some of the best movies in the game occur during this part. The See-D exam is enjoyable...until you get up to the communication tower. The rest of the disc is cool. The beginning of disc 2 is terrible. I hate it. It's extremely tedious, the worst part of the game. This lasts until you go to Trabia Garden. From there the disc rocks. Disc three is the best, even if you are in Esthar the whole time. (I despise that place.) Disc four is boring because all there is to do after you fight Adel and go into Ultimecia's Castle. You can't go into *any* towns. Talk about being lonely!

Q. Which towns do you like best?

A. If you're looking to just pick up some basic items and get a good nights rest, nothing beats Balamb. It's small, so it's hard to get lost. It's also my favorite town. Deling City is pretty nice too (though I *hate* the music in the background) and it's hard to get lost with all the buses. Dollet is ok, but I don't like it much. I don't care for Timber at all. I always get lost. And don't get me *started* on Esthar. That place is a deathtrap when the lifts aren't working. I know I've said this already, but I really hate that place. However, it's shops have the best items.

Q. If you had to put the FF8 characters in order from best to worst, what would your list look like? And I mean with every possible playable character and Cid.

A. Can I include Nida too and Fujin and Rajin and Ellone and NORG and Zone and Watts? Ok then, here we go:

Irvine (duh.)
Zell (he is too funny)
Squall (love him)
Laguna (I make fun of him so much though. I mean, come on! He's the President of Esthar and he's wearing a fricken bowling shirt!)
Seifer (he's "troubled")
Rinoa(she rocks)
Ward (he's amusing)
Quistis (she's ok when she's not getting on my nerves)
Ellone (she's cool enough)
Watts (Yes, sir!)
Kiros (he doesn't really do much...oh well)
Zone (Ouch! My stomach!)
Selphie (no, I don't hate her the most!)
Cid (he makes some dumb choices)
Edea (I'll never like her. Darn witch)
Fujin and Rajin (If I had friends like them....ya know? AFFIRMATIVE)
NORG (Hate that moron. Whatever happened to him?)
Nida (stupid little prick. Thinks he's so cool cause he can fly the Garden)

Q. My levels are pretty low. Can I still beat Ultimecia?

A. The answer is yes. Leveling up in FF8 is nice, but not a life or death situation (like in 7! Geez! More on that later) The most important thing in FF8 is your hit points, not your level, though it *is* easier to gain maximum hit points by having your character at a high level. When I was at Ultimecia, the levels of my characters were as follows:
Squall: 94
Zell: 62
Irvine: 64
Rinoa: 47
Quistis: 24
Selphie: 22
And if I hadn't run from anything, Squall's level would have been even higher. And while I'm on the subject of running from battle, I might as well say this. Don't run from battle every single time. You *cannot* just rely on boss fights in this game. Why? CAUSE YOU DON'T GAIN ANY EXPERIENCE FROM THEM! And even though the levels of your characters don't have to be at 100, they have to be pretty good by the end (say at least have 4 characters past level 40). There are definitely some times when you're allowed to run from boss fights:
1. When you've encountered a tough monster you're not prepared to fight
2. You're being timed and can't be wasting a second
3. You've been playing for 4 hours and if you see one more *$%#@ Imp, you're going to scream.
I did take the time to get my characters mostly onto level 100--they all were except Rinoa and Selphie. And it took me a lot quicker time to beat Ultimecia. The best way to level up fast is make Quistis half dead and go to the Island Closest to Heaven or Hell and use her Degenorator limit break right at the start of the fight.  It'll kill anything instantly.

Q. What enemies do you hate the most?

A. If you couldn't tell by the way I go on and on about it, I'm not a big Malboro fan. Not at *all*.  In fact, I really hate those things. Very much. Gather round, and I'll tell you a story about an evil Malboro.
Ok, I was trying to gather those *$%#@ Malboro tentacles so I could summon Doomtrain. So there I am, wandering around the Island Closest to Heaven, 2 characters equip with MUG, trying to steal me some tentacles. So I meet up with one and try to steal. Couldn't steal. Ok, fine. Maybe Irvine will get some (Squall and Irvine where the ones with MUG). Couldn't steal. Damn, ok. Fine. I'll kill the *$%#@ thing and get some tentacles. So I pull out a Hero, and use it on Squall to make him invincible. Then the damn thing lets out it's Bad Breath attack, which inflicts every fricken status affect in the game. And I mean *everything*. Poison, Petrify, Sleep, Berserk, you get the picture. So Irvine and Rinoa are hit with this and they're out for the count. But Squall has Diablos, and that GF is supposed to work extremely well against Malboro. Great. So I used Diablos. Took 9999 off the Malboro. Great, I thought. If I summon Diablos a few more times it'll keel over. So I summon it again, and again. I use my last Hero and keep on summoning it. I must have summoned Diablos ten times before my second Hero wore off, and I'm thinking how many *$%#@ HP does this thing have? So now I'm no longer invincible, so I manage to summon Diablos one more time. *Still* doesn't kill the damn thing. Then it lets out the Bad Breath again. Irvine and Rinoa turn to stone. Now Squall is in a lone battle against time. Which will get him first? The petrify, the poison, or the Malboro's other attacks? I have no choice but to whack away at it with my gunblade. So I hit it, takes about 1,000+ off of it. I think, great. How much more HP could this thing have? I hit it again and again. And again and again. It's just not dying! So finally I collapse, a victim of the poison, beside my two stone comrades and that stupid Malboro, with it's stupid tentacles, sits there looking pretty darn healthy. And as I fling down the controller in anger and frustration I think, what the *$%#@?! Am I fighting Omega Weapon here?
So that's my Malboro story. So to answer that question, I hate Malboro's the most, but I also hate Imps. A lot. But not as much as the Malboro's.

Q. Who's in charge of Galbadia after Edea turns good again? And why is Esthar so different after you come back from the Lunar Base?

To find the answers to these questions you'll have to explore the world again after obtaining the Ragnorok and have Laguna tell you everything he knows.
As sad as it is, Seifer becomes in charge of Galbadia after Edea decides she wants to play Matron again. Don't you feel sorry for the people living in Galbadia? All everyone in Deling City has to talk about in disc 3 is Sir Seifer this and Sir Seifer that. One girl admits she writes a love letter to Sir Seifer every day! Geez!
So why is Seifer in charge of Galbadia? Well, if you'll recall, at the beginning of the game Galbadia was under the control of President Vinzer Deling, who was more dictator than President. Now Deling was "not even popular in Galbadia, sir," according to Watts. But Deling was slain by Edea at the end of disc 1, and then she was the leader of Galbadia. Now, Edea was posessed by Ultimecia, but after you defeat her at the end of disc 2 she's no longer possessed. As Ellone later reveals, Ultimecia possessed Rinoa and told her "noble knight" Seifer, to go and get lunatic pandora. Because he's Ultimecia's new pal, as Edea was before him, Seifer is the ruler of Galbadia. Boy. Glad I don't live there.
As for Esthar after the the lunar base. Do you remember the lunar cry that was created when Lunatic Pandora lined up with tear's point? Well, all the evil moon monsters came down and invaded Esthar. That's why there are stupid Imps and Behemoths walking around Esthar now, and no wimpy Mezmorizes like before. As Laguna reveals, the lunar cry happened many years before and the monsters invaded Centra and destroyed everything, which is why that continent is so dry and barren. Laguna and Doctor Odine (*gag* Hate that moron) didn't want that to happen to Esthar, so they sunk lunatic pandora. Makes sense?

Q. How do you find the piece of the vase in the armor at Winhill! I know it's supposed to be there, but it won't work!!

A. Yeah, this is really a pain the ass. During the side quest when you're looking for the vase pieces, there's one you have to get from the chocobo's, one in the white flowers in the old woman's house, one in Raine's bar, and finally, one in the armor in the mansion. The first time I played I couldn't get the damn piece in the armor either! The trick is to have Irvine and Rinoa in your party. Otherwise it won't work.

Q. Did you leave Rinoa at the missile base?

A. I always send all the girls to the missile base. Think I'm actually going to part with my boys for a good portion of the game? I think not! My sister sent Irvine to the missile base when she played, and she never hears the end of it from me! Although it was interesting to hear his comment when he thought he was going to die.....*sob* Poor Irvine.

Final Fantasy Seven

Q. Who Are Your Favorite Characters in FF7?

A. Here are my top 15:
1. Tseng
2. Reeve
3. Rufus
4. Vincent
5. Sephiroth
6. Reno
7. Cid
8. Red
9. Cloud
10. Tifa
11. Barret
12. Elena
13. Zack
14. Yuffie
15. Rude

"Nonsense. I am not number 5. I am number 1."

"Sorry, Sephy. You're number *5*."

Q. Why is it you seem to like bad guys in FF7 better than the good guys?

A. I never said that....I didn't think I came across that way....uh...fine. I really love the FF7 bad guys, but they're so cool! But I love the good guys a lot too. Plus, it doesn't help that the FF7 bad guys are a billion times better than the FF8 ones. (I mean Seifer's cool, but Edea? Ultimecia? Shinra's far better.)

"Of course they are. I am one of them."

Q. Did you cry when Aeris died?

A. No. I didn't even cry when one of my favorite characters, Rufus, dies (although I was extremely upset.) I strongly dislike Aeris. I've finally come to this conclusion.

"I like watching her die."

"That's because you're the one that killed her!"

" makes me proud."


Q. You enjoy making fun of Sephiroth, don't you?

A. Well, I really like Sephiroth, but there are some parts of the game where he *majorly* pisses me off. When Tseng dies for example. I always dread going to the temple of the ancients. Sephiroth can get a little annoying, so I make fun of him....

*glares at me*

"Yeah, you're not so great. Yikes! Don't try to hit me what that sword again, ya hear?"

Q. Who did you date at Gold Saucer and how did it go?

A. I've gotten to this part in the game 3 times. The first and last time I got Tifa as my date, and the 2nd time I got Aeris. I honestly did think I would get Aeris the last time I played though, because I hadn't been treating her badly. (Like I did the first time...) As for the second part of the question, let me ask Cloud.

Cloud: "Huh?"

There you have it. I tried to get Barret as a date once, but that didn't work and I got Aeris. Ick :p

Q. Have you ever beaten Emerald and Ruby WEAPONs?

A. Ack! *hides* No. No, no, no. I never bothered because I just wanted to beat the damn game! That and if I had to level up my characters any more I was going to start spasming. I ran into Ruby WEAPON *once* by accident, and it was a slaughter. *shudders* I did *want* to beat all the WEAPONs (revenge for Rufus!) but that's not actually *doing* it.

Q. Have you gotten Aeris' Fury Brand, Planet Protector, and Great Gospel
Limit Breaks?

A. Nope. I never got more than her Seal Evil limit break. The highest level I ever got Aeris to was 30.

Q. Which party you used to fight Shinra (Rude, Elena, Reno, Palmer, Hojo,
Proud Clod)?

A. To fight Reno and Rude in Gongaga, I always use Cloud, Tifa and Aeris
To fight Reno and Rude in the downed plane, I used Cloud, Vincent and Cid (I think...)
To fight Palmer I always use Cloud, Red and Vincent
To fight the three Turks in Midgar I used Cloud, Vincent and Red (I think I used Red...)
To fight Rude in Rocket Town I used Cloud, Cid and Vincent
To fight Proud Clod I used Cloud, Vincent and Red
To fight Hojo I always use Cloud, Barret and Vincent
(can you tell I use Vincent a lot?)

Q. Have you used Knights of the Round?

A. Sure have! I won't go fight Sephiroth without it! It kills Bizarro Sephiroth in one hit! You'd have to be nuts to go without it!

Q. Have you dated Barret or Yuffie yet?

Nope. I wish! Just Aeris and Tifa. Normally by the date I haven't had Yuffie long enough, and I just *can't* get the date with Barret! It sucks!

Q. Which Shinra person would you like to have joined Cloud?

A. Tseng! Then maybe he wouldn't have *died*! No, but I would have loved to have Reeve join Cloud instead of Cait Sith, but what would he fight with? A paperclip?

Final Fantasy Nine

Q. How come you don't have anything on FF9?

A. I do now!! ^^

Q. How about your favorite characters?

Top 15:

1. Zidane (Ooh, boy, I love you so)
2. Steiner (He's so funny!!)
3. Vivi (show me one person who doesn't love him!)
4. Quina (it's funny...whatever it is)
5. Freya (she's really cool)
6. Beatrix (she's kick ass!)
7. Regent Cid (he was cool)
8. Eiko (she's cool)
9. Amarant (.......)
10. Lani (she was kind of cool)
11. Kuja (who knows what I think anymore)
12. Garland (introducing, the Darth Vader wanna-be!)
14. Garnet
13. Queen Brahne (
Um, I'd like to say that these last two are only at this number because there are no more characters, and I really hate them far too much for them to even be on the list, but whatever.
15. Zorn and Thorn (I freakin' hate these things!!)

Crossover Questions

Q. Which team of good guys do you think is fighting for a better cause? Cloud's gang or Squall and his friends?

A. Uh. You had to ask. Well, both are striving to save their planet from a similar fate. In FF7, they must prevent Sephiroth from abosorbing all the life energy and becoming one with the planet, having power over all life. In FF8 they have to prevent Ultimecia from achieving time compression where only she can exist and control time and space. Scary, huh? It's too close to call.

"Cloud is evil. He must die."

"Sephiroth, I've warned you about the Cloud bashing."

"And yet it has not stopped me."

Q. What do you love most about FF? What do you like least?

A. The plot....talking to people and discovering new things...the characters. What do I like least? Fighting. Confused? Fighting is frustrating, sometimes nervewracking. I don't like it much. Sometimes it's fun. I hate dying in battle. It's so depressing. The game over screen is my worst enemy. It's so discouraging :(

"Nonsense. She loves me most."

Q. Have you ever died outside of boss fights?

A. *sigh* Yes. Damn Malboros have killed me in 7 and 8. I had a ruby dragon wipe out my party in one shot in 8 (that is the scariest thing that can possibly happen) I had my characters all turned to stone cause I got cocky in 7. Those are the only occasions I can recall.

Q. Ok, which would you rather be. A SeeD or a Turk?

A. A Turk! No contest! Turks rock!

Q. What do you like, materia or junctioning?

A. Ok, basically it's which do I like better, the system in FF7, where you give people materia, or FF8 where GF's and spells are junctioned. Well, I am very familiar with both systems, and I like both, although junctioning sometimes takes a long time so that the maximum effect can be taken out of what spells, GF's and such you have. The first time I went to fight Ultimecia it took me an hour and half to junction my characters correctly. Materia is easier, and you really don't have to put too much thought into it. However, what I don't like about the materia system is that if you forget to give a character an important materia, you don't have that spell at all, where as with the junctioning you always have whatever spells are in your inventory. Also, with the FF7 system you have accessories, like ribbons and such, which are a god send. FF8 doesn't have that, which is kind of annoying. The FF8 junctioning system does allow you to build your HP's faster though. In conclusion, both systems have their good points and draw backs, so I like both of them pretty equally. But really, I like the crystal system of FF9 best.

Q. Have you ever named the characters after your friends?

A. Nope. The first time I played through FF7 I named the characters after characters from the Star Wars stories I write. (Except Vincent. I kept his name) I changed the names of Squall and Rinoa to names from my Star Wars characters the first time I played too. (Rinoa was Lark) This time through FF8 I named my GF's after FF7 characters. Now I can't remember which is which!

Q. Which is the best Multi-hit Limit Break besides Omnislash?

A. In FF7 or in FF7 or FF8? It's gotta be Lionheart anyway. That SO rocks!

Q. If you were making the ultimate FF team who would be in it? And you have to put 3 girls in it just to be fair.

A. All right, fine. I'll put 3 girls but I'm putting 6 guys to make up for it. ^^
--Rinoa Heartilly (ff8)
--Eiko Carol (ff9)
--Tifa Lockheart (ff7)
--Zidane Tribal (ff9)
--Irvine Kinneas (ff8)
--Vincent Valentine (ff7)
--Edgar Figaro (ff6)
--Steiner (ff9)
--Zell Dincht (ff8)
Yeah, I realize some of those people have the same skills, but oh well.

Question? Comments? Flames? E-mail Me!

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