The End Show: A.K.A What You See After You Defeat Ultimecia

Too Lazy To Beat The Game? Too Cheap To Buy It? Just Want To Know What Happens At The End So You Can Get On With Your Life? I spill everything! But I'm warning you now, it looks better when you actually see it.

        You'll first see Irvine saying things like, "where are we?" "Did we win" etc. You'll eventually see everyone else, except Squall, all saying things about how to get back in the right time. Then you see Squall walking by himself, and you hear people asking "where are you going?" but he keeps on walking. Eventually he walks right into the past, and sees the small version of himself running away to find Sis, as usual. Then he sees Edea, and stops and talks to her. He tells Edea how Garden and SeeD were her ideas and such. Then Sorceress Ultimecia comes, and Squall pulls out his gunblade, "I thought we killed you!", but she's only looking for someone to give her powers to so she can die. So Edea takes them. Then she finds out Squall is Squall. And Little Squall comes back, and he's like, "Who's that guy?" and Edea tells him it's "No one he needs to know" and tells Squall to go back to his own time. So Squall does ("I can do it on my own...but I'm not alone..." he says, or something like that.) So he goes back into time compression land, and it's all black, and he calls for his friends, and no one answers. So he's like, "am I alone!" And he wants to see Rinoa and hear her voice. So he makes it to this dry place and starts walking until he can't walk anymore. You see Rinoa in another place, and then a feather comes and falls down on Squall. Then Squall starts to try to remember things and you see flashbacks from important parts in the game, like when you met people, and especially the dance. Then after a lot of weird stuff, Rinoa comes into where Squall is and kneels next to him. He's unconcious, and she strokes his cheek. And as he finally wakes up, it pans out to show the flower field.
        Seifer is next on the list. He's fishing in Balamb with Rajin and Fujin. He turns around and sees that Rajin has caught a fish, so he gets mad that he hasn't caught anything, gets up, and slams down his fishing pole. Fujin is trying to tell Rajin something and when he won't pay attention, she takes her foot and pushes him into the water. Seifer thinks this is hysterical. Then as they're laughing, Garden flies overhead, and they all look up, and Seifer has this half smile and look of admiration on his face.
        Now it's Laguna's turn! They show him in a field, and he looks down at his hand and sees a ring. Then they flashback, and you see him in the same field with Raine, and he goes up to her and puts a ring on her finger. Then he shows her he's wearing the same ring, and she gets all happy and hugs him. Then they cut back to the present and you see Laguna looking down at Raine's grave, and her name is Raine LOIRE (which in case you didn't know is Laguna's last name.) Then you see Ellone running into the field, and Kiros and Ward in the background. And Laguna smiles, and Garden passes overhead.
        Now the credits start to roll on the side, but the fun has just started! You see a video camera being turned on, one which Selphie is operating. They are obviously having a party at the garden. She starts filming Irvine, who's flirting with Qusitis. Quisitis smiles for the camera, and Irvine comes up and puts his face in front of hers. Then he puts his arm around her, but she pushes him away and goes to talk to Cid. She's talking to Cid, and Selphie is filming it, and Cid notices, so he says hi. Then Edea comes over, and she's dressed as matron again. Irvine comes over and takes off his hat to say hi. Then the camera goes out, and when it comes back on, Irvine has the camera, and Selphie has his hat on. He films Selphie and Quistis briefly, before he goes and zooms in on three girls talking across the room, and he waves. Then Selphie stalks in front of the camera looking kind of mad. So she and Quistis go over to Zell, and Irvine films that. Zell is stuffing his face with hot dogs. He starts to pretend to choke,  (so I'm told) and Quistis, Selphie, and some girl who's sitting next to him try and help him. Then he pretends that he's gonna spit it all out and everyone runs away and he laughs. Then Selphie points out to the balcony where you can see Rinoa. So Irvine zooms in to catch the action, but the low battery icon comes on screen, and just as Rinoa puts a finger to her lips, the camera goes out.
        It's still not over! After all the credits, they show Balamb garden floating over the water and the starry night sky, and they show Rinoa holding a finger to her lips. Then they show Squall, and he ::gasp:: smiles!! (I nearly had a heart attack from shock) then he and Rinoa kiss, and then they pan out, show the garden again, and it's THE END. Aw :)

             As much as I loved this ending, I have to say that there were a few questions still on my mind:
                                1. Whatever happened to Rinoa and her father?
                                2. How about Zone and Watts and the whole resistence movement? Did Timber ever get freed?
                                3. How did Squall get that ring of his in the first place?
                                4. What happened to NORG?
                                5. Is Laguna really Squall's dad?

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