Well isn't today your lucky day!! I'm going to tell you have to defeat the bosses in the game!!
Here's the deal. I'm not going to go into detail on *every* boss in the game. If you can't beat Ifrit, maybe this isn't the game for you. Each boss is rated on hardness:

Easy: The battle is a piece of cake
Medium: The battle is easy, but not without it's rough spots
Hard: The battle is rough. Make sure you're prepared.
Extremely Hard: Strap on your seat belts and get ready for one hell of a ride. You'll have to battle for life in these battles.

But first, I've taken the liberty of preparing a little section I like to call:

The 5 Hardest Battles In the Game

Ok, here we go. My vote for the hardest battles in the game. Hey, hey! Don't laugh! I have my reasons. More on how to beat these jerks later. But, before I get started, notice that many of these characters are located early on in the game.

1. Rajin and Fujin at Balamb (disc 2)
Times I died: 50 billion. j/k, but it was a *lot*

What? You might say. Give me a break! But seriously, I found this the hardest battle in the game. Ultimecia, who? Rajin and Fujin gave me such a problem that I started a new game to be better prepared. If the level of your characters is not over 20 by the time you reach this point, walk around until it is. And you've gotta have Diablos. The reason that Rajin and Fujin are so hard is because this is the start of a new kind of battle: a kind of battle where the enemies don't wait for you to get your act together. They're just gonna keep on attacking you. And this pair just doesn't let up! It doesn't help that you don't get a chance to heal between your battle with Rajin and your battle with both Fujin and Rajin (dammit, Zell.). I *hate* this battle. Even though you fight them again later, it's not *nearly* as hard.

2. BGH251F2 at the Missile Base (disc 2)
Times I died: 2

Yuck, yuck, yuck. The words "beam cannon" still give me the chills. Stock up the phoneix down and break out Quezecotl, folks. This tank ain't going down without a fight. A fight that kills your characters, I might add. The beam cannon will kill your targeted character in one shot. And it won't stop there. It just keeps firing off at the others. You'll have to fight this one again too, but it's not that hard.

3. Oilboyles at Balamb Garden (disc 2)
Times I died: 2

Whoa! Disc Two is just full of nasty creatures, isn't it? These things may look pitiful, but their oil shot can kill a character. These things are a lot like that stupid BGH251F2 the way they use the oil shot.

4. Diablos in the Magical Lamp (obtained on disc 1)
Times I died: 1

It really depends on when you use the lamp, but no matter. Diablos is tough. You better stock up on cure, cause you'll have to keep using it. If you don't keep curing, you'll die.

5. Ultima Weapon at the Deep Sea Research Center (disc 3 or 4)
Times I died: 0, but....

If you're not prepared, just say your prayers now. Ultima Weapon has 1 hit kills and it'll keep using them on the other characters until everyone's dead. I don't want to say anymore because it more a description of strategy (coming later) So I'll just say: Beware Ultima Weapon.

Ok, Here We Go. The Battle Descriptions. The creatures are listed in the order that they occur.
Pick Your Disc and Have Fun!!
Note: Side Quests that may be completed on several discs will be talked about on the disc I completed it on.

Disc One

Disc Two

Disc Three

Disc Four

Boosting Records

Back to FF8

But First! Some Final Battle Tips!

Your second best friend, after the GF

Hello. My name is Lark and I am a magic hoarder. Yeah, that's right. I draw and refine all this magic, and I hardly ever use it. Here's why:
I conserve it for the boss fights, of course!! Save your great magic for boss fights, and save your even better magic for especially important boss fights!
So here you are, my magic list of very important magic and important magic:

Very Important Magic:

ULTIMA: This is a very powerful magic that works against any enemy. Causes about 2,000-3,000 pts of damage every time. I recommend you use this at only 3 parts in the game, unless you are in *major* trouble in a boss fight: Odin, Ultima Weapon and Ultimecia.
DEMI: This magic takes away 1/4 of a creatures HP. It's not effective against creatures immune to Diablos. You'll want to whack away with Edea with this, and the Tonyberry's too.
TRIPLE: Allows a character to cast 3 spells at once on the enemy, or on all his friends! Use it during important boss fights when you really have to pound on the enemy (like Ultima Weapon, Adel or Ultimecia)

Now For The Very Important Magic:

CURE MAGIC: (cure, cura, curaga) You'll need this to heal your characters. Cure is the least powerful, while curaga is the most powerful.
HASTE: Makes a character's turn to attack come quicker. This is extrememly useful in boss fights and you should use it often and always have a lot of it.
REGEN: Cures a character in small amounts from time to time until it wears off. It's great to use this when you're fighting an enemy that keeps attacking. If you cast regen on everyone, you won't have to worry about curing so much because the regen magic does it for you. I use regen pretty often.
DOUBLE: Kind of like triple, but a little less rare, and it only lets you cast two spells instead of 3.
LIFE MAGIC: (life, full-life) This magic brings a character back to life. Life magic brings a character back with some HP, and full-life restores HP entirely.
MELTDOWN: Cuts an enemies defenses both magically and phyiscally. You'll need this later in the game for the most part.

Great Magic to Junction To Your Weapons!
Keep in mind that all these work best with a full 100 of the spell. Also, these spells are practically useless to cast, so it's best to hoard it to junction only.

BREAK: A favorite of mine. Turns an enemy into a statur. Works best on enemies with low HP, but it's worked on creatures like red dragons.
DEATH: The enemy will just disappear into this air.
DRAIN: Drains HP off a creature with each hit.

Useful Magic for *Special* Situations

Bio (poison): Use it on humans, who are weak against it.
Blind (blinds the enemy): Use this on enemies that use mostly physical attacks. If they can't see, they're less likely to hit your characters.
Silence (prevents casting magic): Use on enemies that cast a lot of magic. It doesn't work on every creature (please don't try to use this on any of the game's Sorceresses!) but it works on a lot of the weak creatures.

Drawing Magic

You should try to go into every battle with *someone* possesing the "draw" command. This is how you're going to stock up on most spells. Not by using draw points, and not by refining spells (although that's a great way to stock up later on), but by drawing it out of enemies.