Boosting Records

Lark: "These guys rock. You probably know them as Stryker422 and Twitchguitarist on the message board, and they sent me their boosting records. Pretty amazing if you ask me. I can barely boost Shiva to 120! Anyway, Twitchguitarist is 'M' and Stryker is 'J'.

(M=my record, J=my friend's record)

Quezacotl=197 J

Shiva=204 J

Ifrit=200 J

Siren=216 or 218 J

Brothers=240 J

Leviathan, Pandemona, Bahamut=all 250 J

Alexander=250 M (is this my only record? Crap! J is good!)

Doomtrain=233 J

Tonberry=192 J

Eden=527 J (surely that confused you. what this means is that J boosted Eden to 250, when an X appeared, purposely hit it, dropped to 75, and reboosted to 250, hit another X at the second 250 and then reboosted to 177. (250+175+102 because the second and third times, the 75 doesn't count. understand? if not, sorry.)
