What's wrong with Rinoa? Eek!

Go to Edea's house, where Edea and Cid have returned, even if the place is in shambles. Edea reveals that she was possessed by an evil Sorceress from the future, Ultimecia, who is trying to screw up the past. She's looking for Ellone, because Ellone can take people back to the past. Edea also reveals that Ultimecia may be trying to possess Sorceress Adel, leader of Esthar during the Sorceress War. No one's sure if Adel is still alive, but Edea things she is. Edea says she is scared that Ultimecia may try and possess her again.
When's Edea's done go back to Garden and go visit Rinoa in the infirmary. She's totally out cold, but still alive. Squall's really upset, he obviously has feelings for her. He wants to find a way to bring her back. Then he collapses by her bed. Dammit, Ellone!

Did Ya Miss Me?

Laguna! Laguna! Haven't seen you since the beginning of disc 2. And it's Kiros too! And Ward (maybe. When my sister played, she had Ward too. Both times I played, no Ward. I don't get it.) And they're....in a movie? Leave it to Laguna to spend all their money staying in a hotel. Now he's playing the knight and Kiros (and Ward) play the dragon. Cue the dragon! Uh...that doesn't look much like a costume! The director and Laguna's costar run away, leaving Laguna alone to battle the beast. In this battle, you can either attack or defend. Defend yourself against the dragon's powerful attacks, then take your change to attack (try to attack twice) before defending again. Sorry, no deathblow here. This will probably take many, many tries. After winning, Laguna runs down to fight with Kiros (and Ward). Choose not to fight right away,  instead take a moment to save and equip Kiros (and Ward). You'll have to fight the ruby dragon next, but use Diablos and Shiva for a quick fight. No fire and no wind magic.
Ellone will then "connect" to a different scene Laguna and Edea talking Ellone tells Squall that Raine died, and she wanted Laguna to see her baby. (Squall ::cough cough::)

Oh Yeah!

Squall will decide that maybe Ellone could help Rinoa. Now where was she again....oh yeah, the white SeeD ship! Maybe Edea will know where it is! Hike back over there and Edea will give you a letter and instructions to look around the Centra continent. When you board the ship the SeeD there will tell you to take a hike. But hey, do you want to here Rinoa's voice again or what? Follow the leader!

How Do These Wackos Keep Surviving?

Hey! It's Zone and Watts! Looks like they escaped to the ship after the Galbadians came after them. Zone asks about Rinoa and is ready to floor you when you explain what happened. Watts remains the voice of reason and calms him down. Zone runs upstairs. Follow him and keep talking to him. If you have The Girl Next Door magazine (unless Irvine has stolen it--j/k) he'll notice and ask you for it. Hey, he helped you out back in Timber, plus you don't want him to beat you up about what happened to Rinoa, so be a chum and give it to him for free. He'll give you a Shiva care and a rename card.
Head back downstairs and go into the leaders cabin. Talk to him and he'll tell you Ellone's run off with Esthar soldiers. Damn. Get back in your Garden and head for Fisherman's Horizon. You're going to Esthar. Get Rinoa from the infirmary and Squall will carry her across the railroad tracks. He admits that he hides his true self because he doesn't want anyone to not like him. Aw. Poor Squall! We like you!

To The East!

You'll run into Zell, Quistis, Selphie and Irvine at the end of the tracks (how did they beat you here??) Oh yeah, and Edea too. She wants to see Doctor Odine (yuck) so you have to take her with you. Edea is now a playable character. I never used her because 1) I don't like her 2) She could freak out and start killing people any minute. Head East and go through the Salt Lake. You'll run into a nasty monster called Abadon.

Difficulty Level: Easy or Hard
Who I Used: Zell, Irvine and Squall
Times I Died: 0, but I came close.

Ok, I have 2 stories involving this monster. One is happy. One is not. The first time I played, Abadon cast berserk *and* confuse on Zell. Zell went crazy, attacking my other two characters almost to death. I had to have my other two characters fend off Zell and attack Abadon.
If you have RECOVER this story can have a happy ending. Use it on Abadon twice, taking off 9999 each time. Then use holy magic or Alexander to finish it off.

Keep on going forward and inspect the background. Climb up and go through the tunnel. When you get off the elevator you'll collapse once again. Time for your last Laguna dream!

Where's Ellone?

Hey, who says Squall and Laguna are nothing alike? Laguna's searching for Ellone in Esthar too, except he's a captive of Sorceress Adel and has to work with some other guy and a Moomba. Talk to everyone until the guards leave. Then talk to your fellow slaves. The other guy will tell you about the anti-Adel movement and about how they're lacking a leader. Kick the crap out of the Esthar soldiers (make sure you equip Kiros and Ward first!) and go downstairs. Listen in on Dr. Odine's conversation about Lunatic Pandora and then head outside. Turns out Dr. Odine's been exploring Ellone's talent (the one she's using on Squall right now!) Ew, no! Get that Dracula wanna-be with the clown collar away from Ellone! Go back inside and head back upstairs. Yell at Odine and then ride over to his lab. Take the lift up, go through the door and fight the soldiers. Activate the control panel and go back down. Open the door in the back and rescue little Ellone. Aw! Together again!

Whoa, the President must be a bigshot....

A car will come pick up the team and take them to the President's huge house. Zell's impressed. Wondering who the bigshot President is yet? Then you'll get the not so great honor of meeting Odine. Whoo hoo. They agree to let you see Ellone if you let Odine observe Rinoa. Fine. Whatever. Meet at the lunar gate? As Zell would say: "...the hell...??"

To the Moon and Back

Explore Esthar and get thoroughly lost. When you finally find the entrance, leave the city and hike towards the lunar gate. Keep note of the enemies you're encountering. Mostly horses with horns called Mesmorizes, right? Go inside and Angelo will come barging in. Aw. Go inside and pick who you would like to come with you. Zell volunteers to stay behind and watch Edea, so take Irvine (unless you're attached to Quistis or Selphie) When Squall and whoever you've chosen have been shot up through the Willy Wonka tube, Zell and the gang start to leave. But wait! Something's wrong! Run outside to check it out!

Lunatic Whatever

What's that huge things flying overhead? Remember the lunatic pandora thing Odine was babbling on about in the Laguna dream? Well, there it is! Hurry back to the city! And here's a once in a lifetime opportunity! Zell walking on the World Map!

Piece of Crap!

When you return to Esthar the place gone nuts. The lifts aren't working and the citizens are laughing maniacally for no reason. Find your way to Odine's lab where the old quack will explain about how lunatic pandora is headed for Tear's Point. the Galbadians must be behind this!
Lunatic Pandora will pass over the city in 20 minutes. You have 3 tries to catch it. Don't worry, this is easier than it seems. To reach the first contact point, go left, then bear right at the two pathways. Go up the steps on the right and wait around. When the Galbadian soldiers attack you must quickly defeat them and jump on into lunatic pandora. Once inside go up the first elevator. The hell's that thing! Ack! Well that was useless.

Hey, look, Ma! No Gravity!

 First of all, pay attention to the guy standing in the command room (or whatever the heck it's called) at the beginning. "Man" is going to go inspect Adel's chamber personally. Remember that.
Rinoa, Squall and Irvine (I'm using his name cause that's who I took) are let out of hyper sleep and you'll meet the guy in charge, Piet (tally that off as #4 on your list of Star Wars references in the game). Talk to both Piet and the guy standing near Rinoa and then it's time to pick Rinoa up and carry her into a room to rest. You'll then head to the command room to discover something's wrong! Why are all those monsters gathering in one place? Someone mentions the lunar cry has started. (Remember what happens when Lunatic Pandora lines up with Tear's Point? Yeah, the Lunar Cry!) Go up to Ellone's room and talk to her. She'll thank you for going back to Laguna land, because even thought she couldn't change the past, she could see how much she was loved. Aw. So Squall explains how he wants Ellone to take him back to Rinoa's past. Ellone tells him it only works on people she's met, but Squall didn't come all the way into space to get dissed. She can meet Rinoa! She's here! But as you head for the room more problems arise and Squall sends Ellone and Irvine to the command area. Take Squall to where you left Rinoa, but wait! What the heck? Rinoa's floating down the hallway! Try to touch her and you'll be electrocuted. Follow her to the command room where she'll unlock the first seal on Adel's chamber. Follow Rinoa and talk to the two people near the window. They'll tell you the President himself goes out to check Adel's chamber seal. How noble. (Remember that! Do you remember the guy in the command room at the beginning who said he was going to check on Adel? Put 2 and 2 together!) They also tell you Rinoa went into the room where the space suits are kept (the room the man withering on the floor in pain is in front of). Go inside and you'll see Rinoa in the airlock! She must be stopped! Put on a space suit and follow her out. There will be three guys coming back in. One's called Presidential Aide left and the other is Presidential Aide right. Hmmm...what does that make the guy in the middle....hmmmm.....Rinoa goes out and there's no way to follow her. Damn. Go back in and out into the hall. The lunar base is in complete chaos, and alarms are going off everywhere. Why does everywhere Squall goes have to be falling apart?
The President's Aides want him to leave, but he wants to be left behind. Finally, he has to be dragged away. As he's being pulled away he turns to Squall and tells him to take care of Ellone. Who is this guy?
Go back to the command room and surprise, surprise, time to evacuate! Follow Ellone into the escape pod.

I've Never Felt This Way In My Life!

Once inside the escape pod, Squall will beg Ellone to take him back into Rinoa's past. "I've never felt this way in my life!" he declares. Ellone agrees to see what she can do.
    First you'll see Rinoa beating up Irvine to go back to the prison. Irvine spends most of the scene saying "ow". Next, you'll see Rinoa asking Zell about Squall's ring, and Zell offers to make her one. She won't ask for it herself though, and it takes Zell awhile to figure out why.
That's too far back! Squall tells Ellone. She tries again....
Ah ha! There's Rinoa helping Seifer. She's telling her "noble knight" to go and get lunatic pandora and she'll make his dreams come true. What's that outline of a sorceress doing behind Rinoa? Seifer stands up, and calls Rinoa Ultimecia.
Ack! Ultimecia had possessed Rinoa after Edea gave her power to her! Now Rinoa has unlocked the second seal on Adel's tomb and the lunar cry has brought the tomb to the surface. Grrreeeaaattt.
Ellone then shows Squall Rinoa running outta air and dying in space. Not if he can help it! Despite everyone's protests, Squall leaves the escape pod to save Rinoa.
Saving Rinoa is easy. It's simply a matter of keeping her in the middle of your screen. She'll come to you.
Once Rinoa is safe, where are they to go? Ah ha! What is that giant floating red ship? Squall and Rinoa head inside, hoping for the best.

Oh Ragnarok, I Long To Clear You...


Once inside, Squall is relieved to find there's air. Once they shed the space suits Rinoa wants to give Squall a hug, but Squall morphs back into "leave me alone" mode. When you walk outside you'll see an ugly purple creature walking below. Unfortunately the Ragnarok is full of ugly, nasty aliens called Propagators. These guys don't die for good unless you kill them in pairs. Here's how to go about it.
First of all, junction Siren to either Squall or Rinoa, whoever she's most compatible with. If you don't have Siren or her compatibility with Squall or Rinoa is really bad, just load one of them down with silence magic. Load down the other character with blind spells. Give one character the Treatment command or the item command if you don't have Treatment. Make sure you have echo screens, or at least a few remedies in case all goes wrong. In case you couldn't tell, you should cast both blind and silence on the Propagators. This will make them nothing more than sitting ducks, and easy to defeat.
Start with the purple propagator you saw when you came in. Once he's done with, head through the door and immediately bear left and avoid the red one. Go through the door and dispose of that purple one. That's it for that color. Go back into the room you just came from and exterminate your first red Propagator. Go back up to the catwalk to get the second one. Time to hunt down the yellows. Go back through the doors to where you first entered the Ragnarok and destroy the yellow propagator you encounter. Go back to where you found the 2nd purple propagator and continue through the doors. You'll see a green propagator, but ignore it. Go through the door on the other side of the elevator and kill the other yellow propagator. Only one more pair! Get the one sitting on the elevator, then backtrack to where you found the first purple one. There's a door on the right side of the other door. Go through it and beat up your final propagator. Head back to the elevator (where the 1st green propagator was) and go on up.

Eyes On Me

The Esthar air station will contact you and tell Squall to punch in some data. Then he's told to turn the gravity off to save fuel. Yes, you're going home.
    Squall tells Rinoa to sit down, but she plops down in his lap instead. Squall's a little surprised, and tells her to sit in her own seat. Rinoa really doesn't want to. Recognize the music in the background? Perhaps played on the piano back on the first disc? Remember the title "Eyes On Me" Kiros mentioned on disc 2? Yup, the song you hear is "Eyes On Me", which Rinoa's mom, Julia, wrote about Laguna (::cough::).
   Well, Squall finally convinces Rinoa to go to her own seat. Then the Esthar air station asks who is aboard. Squall reports that it's him and Rinoa and the Esthar people are shocked. *Sorceress* Rinoa will be seized upon arrival. Squall's shocked, and Rinoa admits it. She's become a Sorceress, and Ultimecia possessed her in space. Since there's a chance she may be possessed again, she has to be contained. Oh no! Rinoa! Rinoa says she's sure no one will like her because of what she's become and how she's so scared. This prompts Squall to get down next to her chair and hold her. Finally!!

No....You Keep It....

The Ragnarok lands, and Rinoa willingly agrees to go. She offers Squall his ring back, but he tells her to keep it. When she's outta sight, head back into the Ragnarok, but don't go up the elevator to the bridge. Instead, go into the door to the left of the elevator and greet your pals. "Together again, huh?" "Wouldn't miss it." Uh...wrong thing. Anyway, they all discuss Rinoa and decide they have to go get her. Suddenly the Ragnarok starts moving! Can you picture Selphie driving and besides her a very excited Irvine? Run up to the bridge and fly on over to the Esthar Sorceress Memorial

I Know You....

Break on into the memorial and Squall will run over to where Rinoa is being held. How's he gonna free her? Squall whips out his gunblade and starts whacking. Rinoa falls towards him, and he catches and holds her. Then Zell bursts in, ruining the whole moment. Time to leave! Uh-oh, looks like the soldiers outside want a fight, but some big guy who can't speak stops them and lets you ho. Hmmm....That guy seems familiar....

Oh My......No Way....

Go to Esthar and wander around until you actually find the palace. Head inside. Oh, hey look! It's Kiros!....And Ward....? Then who's that waving his arms over by the window? Oh no. Oh no, it couldn't be. Why's he wearing a bowling shirt....Hey....Laguna....what's up? You're....President? Looks like Ellone's told him all about the going back in time stuff. Squall tells Laguna he thought he was an idiot until he changed. Great thing to say to your fath-- whoops. Never mind. Doctor Odine barges in then and starts patting himself on the back. Turns out way back when he had Ellone captive Odine was able to duplicate her brain pattern on a machine. This machine can send people back into the past, but it's only a prototype right now. In Ultimecia's time, however, it's a fully functional machine! That's how she's getting back into the past! Now, before you start strangling Odine and demanding to know how he's related to Hojo (whoops, wrong game) let Laguna tell you the story of how the heck *he* ended up President of Esthar. Be patient now, I'm going to explain everything.
    Ok, once upon a time Lunatic Pandora was created by Esthar when Adel was in charge and Odine was the head of scientific crap. It was lined up with Tear's Point and the lunar cry occurred. The monsters fell onto the Centra continent and destroyed everything. As you know, Laguna went to Esthar looking for Ellone. Odine was busy copying her brain waves so he could duplicate her power. While there, Laguna met up with some Anti-Adel people. They made up a plan to get rid of Adel by sealing her powers and sending her into space. Ok, so Laguna sent Ellone back to Raine, who had a baby and died soon after. So Laguna and gang successfully trapped Adel and she's shot into space by a bunch of Ragnarok looking ships. Laguna has the lunatic pandora sunk so what happened to Centra would never happen in Esthar. then all the revolutionary people had a meeting about who would be President now that Adel was out of the picture. Laguna was kinda spacing out, and before he knew it, he was President.
Anyway, so why was Edea after Ellone? Why is Seifer after Ellone? Simple. Cause Ultimecia is after her power. Although she may have the conscious time traveling machine, the device must have limits. She needs Ellone to take her further back into the past. Ellone has been kidnapped by the Galbadians and taken to lunatic pandora. The entire purpose of triggering the lunar cry was to get Adel's tomb down to the planet. Now Galbadia had Adel and Ellone. Adel is an evil sorceress already, combined with Ultimecia she'll be twice as evil. She has to be stopped! Your job is to to to Lunatic Pandora, rescue Ellone, dispose of Adel and have Ellone send you through time to confront Ultimecia and destroy her. Ok, let's go! Back to the Ragnarok!

Yeah, Friendship, Love and all That Crap.

Once aboard the Ragnarok, Laguna will explain that to successfully navigate through time, you mustn't forget your friends! It's like that song "Love Will Keep Us Together". Squall agrees it's pretty corny, but everyone else eats it up. Head for the bridge. It's time to go! Uh.....no. Head back to the room where you left Kiros, Ward, and Laguna. Just do it. Hehe.


You think I'm kidding. I'm not. For once I'm completely serious. If you go straight into Lunatic Pandora when you're told you're nuts. Before heading inside, think of it this way.
    Did you play FF7? If so, this will make sense. Going into Lunatic Pandora is like returning to Midgar. Once you're in there's no getting out and you come out on a new disc. The difference is in FF8 when you come out there are no more towns. If you want to shop you can do it through GF's. That's it. So before you go inside, look at your status and see if you meet the following criteria:
**Your GF's have learned the following command abilities: RECOVER, REVIVE, MED LV UP, HIGH MAG RF, RARE ITEM, AUTO HASTE. If not, go to Cactaur island and kill cactaus'. Squall is the only one able to hit them (Irvine can *very* rarely) so junction him with speed abilities. INITIATIVE is great to use. The cactaus' run away very easily, and this is sometimes very frustrating. Stay with it.
**Summon Doomtrain. If you still have not picked up the Soloman Ring you still can. Park the Ragnarok a good distance from tear's point so you don't accidentally run into lunatic pandora. Walk through tears point (you may want to equip ENC NONE) and pick up the ring. You will now need 6 or 3 different items. Here's how to go about that:
6 STEEL PIPES- Head to the Roshfall forest near Timber and walk around until you run into a Wendigo. Mug them until you get the pipes, then run away, or kill it if you'd like. You'll probably need to encounter 3 to get all the pipes you need.
6 REMEDY +'S- You'll need to refine 60 remedies using the MED LV UP ability into 6 remedy +'s.
6 MALBORO TENTACLES- This is, by far, the hardest of the items to obtain. Before obtaining the tentacles you'll need to do the following: have the Bahamut GF and it's MUG and RARE ITEM abilities equipped to a character. Equip another character with Diablos' MUG ability and give both characters as many spd + abilities as you can. You should also have at *least* 12 remedies in your inventory. If you have INITIATIVE, equip it to a character with MUG. When you're ready, go to the Island Closest to Heaven and walk around. It may take a long time to find a Malboro. When you do, mug it immediately. Since you have 2 characters with MUG, you have 2 chances. Most likely you will succeed in obtaining 2 tentacles. As soon as you get them TURN AND RUN FOR YOU LIFE! If you get hit with bad breath there's still hope. Wait until the sleep wears off and *then* run. Cure yourself with a remedy before moving onward. You'll have to do this to 3 Malboros before you obtain 6 of the tentacles. When you have them access the Soloman Ring in your item inventory and Doomtrain is yours!
**Get Bahamut. To *easily* obtain Malboro tentacles you should have this GF. It's strongly recommended that you obtain it before moving onward. Check out my disc 4 section for more info.
**UPDATE YOUR WEAPONS! Click Here to see what you'll need to get and from what. At least *try* and get everyone's best weapon before continuing.
**9999- Ah, the lovely number of maximum hit points. The 3 characters you choose to go into lunatic pandora should all have 9999 hit points, or close to that.
**Draw from the Shumi Village Ultima draw point. When you come out it'll all be blocked off
**Go back and visit all the towns. In Deling City everyone's going crazy over Seifer. One girl admits that she write him a love letter everyday. Whoa. Is he a pin up now or what? Talk to Rinoa's father the crank while you're at it. It doesn't matter if you take Rinoa with you or not, cause he won't talk to her. In Timber, talk to the guy hanging out by the railroad tracks with Rinoa in your party and he'll get all flustered and give you a potion. This can be repeated many times. That guy sure has a thing for her! In Balamb Zell will be told a girl with a pigtail came to visit him. Huh? A girl likes Zell? With Zell in your party, go and stay at the hotel for a night. In the morning, Zell will be gone but you'll spy on him talking to the girl with the pigtail in the lobby. He'll get all shy, but you can barely hear what they're saying. Before she leaves she'll give him a copy of Combat King 003 (since she works in the Balamb Garden library!) Speaking of Balamb Garden, head back there once more. Go into Quistis classroom and check out the Garden Festival Webpage on Squall's study panel. There, all of your characters, except Selphie and Squall, have written something as one of Selphie's friends. Most of them are really funny (especially Irvine's! He looks forward to getting up in the morning cause of all the cute girls in the Garden! hehe). Also, stop by the library and you'll see a guy in a SeeD uniform called "conceited SeeD" who's asking about the girl with the pigtail. Hey, hands off, buddy! She likes Zell!
If you've done all this, then fly into lunatic pandora. You'll fight 4 (actually 5) battles before you see the light of day again.

We're A Posse, Ya Know?

As soon as you land you'll come face to face with Fujin and Raijin *again*, but this time for the last time. Don't worry, if you've done everything I told you to you should be fine. And hey, you have your own posse now!

Raijin and Fujin
Difficulty Level: Medium
Who I Used: Zell, Irvine, and Squall
Times I Died: 0

Obviously you'll want to cast haste on everyone (the character to the right of Squall will always get damaged by Raijin the most). Remember the Sai attack which Fujin used at the end of the last battle? Well now she'll use it more frequently. She'll also cast a lot of support magic, so make sure you have dispel.
Know how I told you to get Doomtrain before going into lunatic pandora? This is why. Use it on Raijin and Fujin and they'll be messed up. If you didn't get Doomtrain (shame!) cast blind on Raijin. Use your best GF's like Bahamut and Alexander, but no Quezecotl (Raijin still absorbs thunder) and no Pandemona (Fujin was the one you drew that GF out of, remember?!) This battle's not tough, especially when you have Doomtrain.

When they runaway take a left and you'll see some old rivals, Biggs and Wedge. Talk to them (well, try to) and you'll hear Biggs complain about taking orders from a kid. Wedge suggests he quit, and Biggs surprises everyone by agreeing. He tells Wedge to come home and have a drink with him. Wedge is shocked, but follows him. Wave good-bye, you'll never see them again.
Use the save point and heal after your battle. Head down the hallway and go forward. Go down the elevator and take the 1st one up. You'll come to a blue hallway like Laguna was in at the beginning. A word of warning. You'll have encounters with tough creatures in this area, but for some reason you only get 1 experience point! What's up with that? Don't bother with them, just run.

::Insert Evil Laughter Here::

Uh-oh looks like Fujin and Raijin have a surprise for you. Remember that thing that kicked Zell and the gang out of lunatic pandora last time? Now you have to fight it.

Mobile Type 8
Difficulty Level: Medium
Who I Used: Squall, Irvine and Zell
Times I Died: 0

Make sure you have RECOVER going into this battle. Also, MUG is useful, and REVIVE might come in handy. Cause it's a machine, Mobile Type 8 has the obvious weakness to thunder magic.
This boss has 2 forms. Remember the form of Sephiroth called "Safer Sephiroth" from FF7? Well the first form of this boss is "safe" and the second, when the probes seperate is "unsafe". These aren't the real names, these are just my terms. In "unsafe" mode the boss will use it's Corona attack, which brings every characters HP to 1. When this happens, quickly heal everyone. Regen is a helpful spell to cast during this battle, as is the ever useful haste. You might also want to cast double or triple on someone at the beginning of the battle so you can heal everyone pretty much at once. If you work quickly and pound on Mobile Type 8 with Quezecotl, Bahamut and the like, you should only get hit with Corona once.

Once Mobile Type 8 is taken care of, heal your party completely and proceed into the next room.

"Seifer's Back And He's As Crappy As Ever..."

Well, isn't it your lucky day! First you get to meet the leader of Esthar, and now you get to meet the leader of Galbadia! ::wipes tear from eye:: and it seems like only yesterday he was flunking out of Garden. Seifer looks a little tired, and the bottom his coat looks like it's been shredded pretty good. He needs a shopping spree. Ah ha! And there's Ellone! Send her back to Laguna.
Oh yeah, it's Fujin and Raijin *again*. But they have no desire to fight you this time, in fact they're telling Seifer off! Fujin's so mad she's talking in regular, normal sentences!! They're both sick of Seifer playing Ultimecia's puppet, and they want their old tough talking, name calling, gunblade waving, over confident, arrogant, disobedient friend back. Seifer could care less. "Fujin, Raijin. It's been fun." Fujin tells Squall to kick the crap out of Seifer (Ok. I'll do it. *Again*) and she and Raijin run off. Ooh, I'm scared.

Seifer. *Again*
The Final Time!
Difficulty Level: Easy
Who I Used: Irvine, Squall, and Zell
Times I Died: 0

Seifer offers to give Squall a scar on the other side of his face. If anything it'll be the other way around, buddy. If you took time to get Odin during the game he'll make an appearance at the beginning of this battle. Don't get too excited. Do you really think it'd be *that* easy? (It's pretty damn easy, but not *that* easy). Seifer beats Odin at his own game. (Don't get scared. Odin must have been having a *really* big off day). "Did you really think I'd go down that easy?" Seifer taunts. Uh, yes. If you're still waiting for Seifer to put up a decent fight you'll be waiting forever. Cast protect on everyone and hit Seifer with whatever you want. Mug him and draw Aura if you get the chance. When Seifer's almost a goner, a new semi-GF, Gilgamesh, will appear to finish off Seifer (only if you had Odin).

After Seifer is defeated, Rinoa will come running in. Seifer'll grab her and head for Adel's tomb exclaiming "the Sorceresses as one!" Fricken psycho. Rinoa! No! Seifer, leave Rinoa alone! Looks like we'll have to rescue her again....on the next disc.

You're almost done! Grab Disc 4!

Back to Final Fantasy Battles