
This is it. The Last disc. Even though there's technically only 2 things to do on this disc, fight Adel and fight Ultimecia, I also picked up all the most powerful GF's on this disc too. Hey, better late than never.
So, fasten your seatbelts, and get ready for the end of the game....

Difficulty Rating: Hard
Who I used: Irvine, Squall and Zell
Times I died: 0
Who's that Adel's got strapped to her?! Why, it's Rinoa! Oh crap! How are you supposed to attack her now? Hope you set aside an hour or two, because this battle is no picnic. Ok, obviously: IF YOU KILL RINOA IT'S GAME OVER! So that means using GF's in this battle is a *big* no-no. That also means, since you can't use GF's, that this battle is going to take a long, long time.
It's best in this battle if you have pretty darn good weapons. If you still have your original ones, you can still beat Adel, but with better weapons you can beat her quicker. Most of this battle will be physical attacks. You can cast magic too, but only magic that hits only Adel. If my memory serves me correctly, Demi works well here.
The first thing you want to do is cast haste on everyone. Then cast regen on everyone, including Rinoa. Then start whacking away at Adel. Cast regen again when it wears off. Also, Adel will drain some of Rinoa's HP from time to time. After that happens about twice, heal Rinoa with some cure magic. You should also mug Adel too, cause she has a SAMANTHA SOUL.
This battle isn't really hard, but you're going to spend a lot of time fighting it and use a lot of cure magic too.

Oh No! The Time Compressed World....

In my opinion, disc 4 is the most boring disc for the simple fact that you can't go into any towns, or any places for that matter: with one exception-tear's point. If you *still* haven't gotten the Soloman Ring yet, you still have a chance.
Anyway, as you walk up the chain to Ultimecia's castle you'll see portals on the side. If you want to find the Ragnarok, face the middle portal and press X. You'll jump inside and end up at the Centra Serengetti Plains, near the Centra Ruins. Check your map and you'll see a red flashing dot. That's the Ragnarok. Here's how to get there: A Chocobo.
Get to the Chocobo forest on the tip of the continent. Get a chocobo and ride to the southern border until you spot a beach. Ride to the next continent (which is very close to Edea's House). Go east following the mountains and when you see a small pathway, go through it. Beyond the desert you'll find the Ragnarok.
Now, this is the part where you're supposed to go to Ultimecia's castle (through one of the 4 portals scattered across the world) but if you're like me, you still have some GF's to collect. So head first to Cactuar island.


Jumbo Cactuar
Difficulty rating: Hard
Who I used: Irvine, Squall and Rinoa
Times I died: 0, but it ran away from me once.
Before you run into that strange green thing that pops up in the Cactuar island sands, make sure you have lots of full-life spells and the REVIVE ability. RECOVER is a great thing to have too. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. That's just as a precautionary measure, I won't really need to use any of it. *Trust* me. Yes, you will. The Jumbo Cactuar *will* kill you. Several times. Also, and this is *extremely* important--junction Leviathan to the character with the highest compatibility and makes sure he has learned boost. The Jumbo Cactuar has a weakness to water, and if you boost Leviathan really high, you can cause 9999 points of damage.
Here's how to lay out your party.
The character with the REVIVE ability is the medic. As long as this person never, *ever* attacks, the Jumbo Cactuar will basically leave them alone. Make sure this person has lots of cure and life magic and the item command. Forget the GF command, the person will not be needing it. This person should also have some double or triple magic handy. (I'll call this person 'A')
The character with Leviathan will continuously summon the GF the entire battle. That's his job. (I'll call this person 'B')
The last character in your group should have the following kinds of magic: double, triple and water. The first thing this character will do is cast triple or double on him/herself and then cast water magic on the Cactuar in 2's or 3's. (I'll call this person 'C')
Begin the battle by summoning Leviathan, and casting triple on A and C.. On the Next turn, have A cast haste on everyone, and have C being to cast the water magic.
Now you're probably wondering why I stress having the REVIVE ability and full-life on hand. The Jumbo Cactuar has 3 attacks: Kerplunk, which damages everyone in the party, and a foot stomp that damages one character. Both these attacks cause only moderate damage. The big attack is called 10,000 needles, which caused, obviously, 10,000 pts of damage. Now, even if your characters are at full health, there is no way they can have 10,000 HP. 10,000 Needles will kill the targeted character, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Every time a character is hit with this attack, have A revive him/her immediately. Have A then recast haste on the person. If it was the C person who got hit, makes sure that person recasts double/triple on themselves before starting again with the water attacks.
This battle will take you at least 30-40 minutes. After you have done a lot of damage to the Cactuar, you'll see a message that it is hesitating. STOP ALL ATTACKS HERE EXCEPT LEVIATHAN!!! That message means that the boss is thinking of running away, and if it does you'll have to fight it all over again. Your best bet at killing the boss now is by boosting Leviathan to as much as you can.

The Tonberry King Quest
Difficulty rating: Moderate
Who I used: Irvine, Squall and Rinoa
Times I died: 0

    Before you embark on this quest, set aside about 3 hours of your day. You'll have to kill 18-22 Tonberries to lure out the King (took me 20), and each Tonberry takes about 5 minutes to kill. So if it takes you 20 lure the King out, it will take you an hour and 40 minutes to get to that point. Once you kill the last Tonberry, the King will appear immediately, so be ready.
    The book goes overboard, stressing that you stock up on hi-potions and phoenix downs. No one ever died while I was fighting the Tonberries or the King. Of course, the book is assuming you're on disc 2. I did this on disc 4. The Tonberry King's big talent is the CALL SHOP ability, which you won't need till disc 4 anyway, unless you're *really* lazy. So I am assuming here that you have the REVIVE and RECOVER abilities. You'll need the following types of magic: demi, curaga, double/triple, haste and protect. You'll also need Diablos and Shiva, so have them junctioned.
The Tonberries are located around the fountain in the Centra Ruins. Walk around there until you confront one.
The Tonberries' have 2 bad attacks: Everyone's Grudge, which shaves off 2,000 HP and the Chef's Knife, which causes 4,000 pts of damage. Luckily, the Tonberry will not use the Chef's Knife until it gets close. (it will move forward throughout the fight) So if you kill if fast enough, you won't have to worry about that. I never got hit with the Chef's Knife. I didn't get hit with Everyone's Grudge much either. If your HP is high, (over 7,000), you won't have to cure immediately after Everyone's Grudge. For this battle I used Irvine, Squall and Rinoa (as I mentioned above). Rinoa had something junctioned to her that made Everyone's Grudge cause only about 200 pts of damage. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out what the hell it was.
Killing Tonberries is easy if you have a lot of demi magic. Begin by summoning Diablos and Ceberus. If you don't have Ceberus, have the 2 non-Diablos characters cast double or triple on themselves. Begin hitting the Tonberries with 2 to 3 demi spells at once with Diablos helping out. When the Tonberry's HP gets in the low hundreds (you'll know this when you use the demi magic. It takes away 1/4 of the Tonberries remaining HP, so take the # you took off the Tonberry and multiply it by 4), just hit it with your weapons and it should keel over. Do this for all the Tonberries. The King, however, is a different story. Diablos' attack is ineffective. Everything else works, but Shiva works best.  When the King appears, immediately cast protect on everyone, then haste. Protect will greatly shield your characters against the King's attacks. One attack, called Junk, will cause about 1,000 pts of damage even with protect. This will be a need for frequent curing if your characters have low HP. You should summon Ceberus at the beginning of this battle too. After using him against all the Tonberries, he should come quickly. Otherwise, just use your GF's to knock the King into submission. You really shouldn't have much of a problem.

The Deep Sea Research Center...

Here you will get the two best GF's in the game. But the big question is: where the heck is it? Fly down to the extreme Southwest corner of the map and search around until you find a structure standing in the middle of the ocean. Land on top of it and go inside. (I recommend having Zell in your party.) Before you go inside, check your junctions. You'll be fighting a lot.

Difficulty rating: Moderate
Who I Used: Irvine, Zell and Squall
Times I died: 0

Make sure everyone can cast magic and you have blind before going into the Research center. RECOVER is a useful ability as well. Make sure you don't have an ENC-HALF or NONE abilities junctioned. They won't help here. When you walk inside you'll see a glowing blue thing in the center of the room. There will be warnings not to go near it, but of course, who ever listens to instruction in this game?! You goal is to walk to it. Sounds easy, right? Wrong! Not when you have an encounter ever other step! And ENC-NONE doesn't help. (That's why I said not to use it.) Just run from every battle, and as the screen is black keep pressing the right control pad so that you are walking before you can be hit with encounters again. There's another trick. walk only when the core isn't glowing. This is tricky though.
Anyway, when you finally get there you'll have to answer questions posed by Bahamut, the GF you came here to get. You must answer correctly, because whether right or wrong, you will be forced to fight a ruby dragon. If you had answered incorrectly the first time you'll have to try and answer again and *again* fight the dragon.
Here and the questions and the correct answers:
Q. So you wish to challenge me...?
A. It's not our will to fight.
Q. Begging for mercy?
Q. Dammed imbeciles. Why do you wish to fight?
A. Choose the answer hidden below None of your business.
Wondering how to kill ruby dragons pretty easily? Summon Shiva and Diablos, but  have one of your characters attack the beast. Junction break to this character's weapon. (For me it was Irvine). If you're lucky the attacking will turn the dragon into stone. That happened to me when I was fighting the second dragon. (Just another reason to love Irvine.) DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE DRAGONS! They have an attack called "Breath" that shave 3,000 off everyone!! They'll kill your characters all in one shot if you're HP isn't high enough to withstand it. Anyway, after you answer the last question correctly you're put in a fight against Bahamut.
Bahamut's not that tough, but the problem is that a lot of GF's are a miss. Avoid Diablos, Ifrit, Quezecotl, Brothers and Pandemona. Cast blind on Bahamut right away and you won't have to worry about getting hit with physical attacks. Your only threat now is Mega Flare, which hits your character's hard. You may want to use a mega-potion at the beginning of the battle if you're ailing after the 2 ruby dragon fights.

After you defeat Bahamut, leave the research center, save your game, and come back when you have about 4 hours to kill. And no, I'm not kidding. It won't take you 4 whole hours to get to the bottom, but better to be safe than sorry.
Your goal this time is to go to the bottom level and fight Ultima Weapon, which is no easy task.

Ultima Weapon
Difficulty Level: Extremely Difficult
Who I Used: Irvine, Zell and Squall (are you even surprised anymore?)
Times I died: 0

Land once again on the Deep Sea Research center, and put Zell in your party if he isn't already. Go inside and climb down the vine in the middle of the floor. Your goal is to get to the bottom of the facility with 10 units of steam left. Here's how you do that:
Spend 4 units to get to floor 2
1 unit to get to floor 3: sector 3
1 unit to open the door to floor 4: sector 6
1 unit to open the door to floor 5: sector 9
1 unit to open the door to floor 6
Inspect the machinery to the right of the levers and let Zell handle it from there. The door will open without using any steam power, and you'll have enough to complete your task. But you've got a lot to do before you'll need the steam again.
Now, with 10 steam units remaining it's time to make your way to the bottom. I'm warning you now: it's a long, long way down. It took me 2 hours to get to the bottom. Why? Because there's a random encounters every 2 steps with strong creatures the game will not let you run from. Be ready to cure like crazy. There's a save point at the beginning, one at the end, and the monsters like Tri-face, Ruby Dragon, Behemoth, Imps with Grendels, and Iron Giants in between. If you die you will have to start over. Make Doomtrain your best friend during these battles. Don't take this warning lightly: if you are not well prepared, you will die. Do not even *think* about venturing down there without the following spells: demi, aura, double/triple, curaga, full-life, and regen. I also recommend you update your party's weapons best you can and have abilities like REVIVE and RECOVER. So begin your journey down the steps. Oh yeah, and obviously don't bother with ENC-NONE, cause it doesn't work.
So when you finally reach the bottom, cure your party and prepare yourself for battle. Move the aforementioned spells (but not demi) to the front of your inventory. Ultima Weapon will kill your characters if you aren't prepared. Make sure everyone can bring characters back to life one way or another. When you're ready, save your game at the hidden save point and use the remaining steam units.
Ultima Weapon has an attack called "light pillar" which instantly kills a character. If someone gets hit with it, BRING THEM BACK TO LIFE RIGHT AWAY! You CANNOT afford to leave anyone KO'd in this battle. Trust me here. Quickly draw Eden out of Ultima Weapon while the other 2 characters cast double/triple on themselves. Next cast haste, meltdown on Ultima Weapon, regen and finally aura on all your characters. (Don't use Selphie in this battle. She's basically a healer, and you just want to hit the boss here.) Your limit breaks will fight this battle for you. Don't take no for an answer. In other words, if a character's limit break doesn't come up, keep pressing O until it does! Oh, and don't bother with Zell's meteor strike. It's always a miss. If you updated your weapons like I suggested, Squall should be using his Blasting Zone or Lionhart limit break. If you keep hitting it with limit breaks and bringing characters back to life when necessary, Ultima Weapon should fall quicker than you thought. Your reward for fighting this tough battle? Eden, the game's best GF, Eden's card, and no enemies to fight on the way out. Yay!

Then A Strange Stillness Took Over...

If you've been playing this game like I did (you poor, poor person) then the only thing left for you to possibly do is go and kick the crap out of Ultimecia. But you'll have to fight her 8 servants first, because she has locked up your abilities upon entering. Yup. That's right. The only command you can use inside is "attack". You must defeat a servant to unlock one of your abilities. Don't worry though, you can go outside the castle to heal and save your game. (Thank you, Squaresoft!)
Now, I have to admit I was scared to death when I first went into her castle. It's really creepy and run down looking inside. But after I fought 2 of her servants, I laughed my way through the rest of the battles. They are all *pathetic*. It's a joke. I met more difficult enemies walking across Galbadia. Don't be scared though, I'll still walk you through the battles, since some of Ultimecia's little friends are hard to find. I'll also give you my advice on which commands you should unlock after each boss.

Ultimecia's Castle

Here's what you have to (or should) do before entering the castle:
Divide your characters into 2 parties.
You will basically only use 1 group, so make it your favorites. I thought I would have to use both parties, so here's what I chose:
Group 1: Squall, Irvine, and Quistis
Group 2: Zell, Rinoa and Selphie.
I'll admit it though, I did end up shoving Zell into the 1st group later on.
Give Every Drop of Thunder Magic To the Characters in Group 1.
Just trust me here. Junction as much thunder magic to the character's Elem-Def as you possibly can. Your goal is to junction enough so that you see that little green star, which means that your character will now absorb all thunder magic.
Update Everyone's Weapons
I mean *everyone*, not just your main party. You'll be whacking at the first couple of servants with physical attacks.
Equip a Member in Your Active Party With Diablos and ENC-NONE
If you're thinking: what a waste of space! Think again. Every single freakin enemy in the game (even some old bosses!) is roaming around inside that castle, and I don't think you want to say hello to any of them. The last thing you want is to run into a Marlboro when all you've got is the attack command.

Also remember to save after  you fight each servant. I don't care how out of the way the front door is. Do it, or regret it.
Also, I'm not going to bother with the difficulty ratings and such here. All the servants are easy, I used Irvine, Squall and Quistis/Zell on all of them, and never died.

When you're ready, go inside. Head up the steps and you'll see a purple thing sitting at the top of the steps. This is the Sphinxaur.


Not much choice here. Just hit it! It'll change forms after you did a lot of damage to it, and begin to summon Jelleyes to kill you. Ooh. Scary. Plus, it'll use crappy Ice magic on you. Just kick the crap out it. When you're done with this horribly difficult battle, unlock your GF abilities and give your characters the RECOVER and REVIVE and abilities. (Even though you won't come close to needing REVIVE) Oh, and btw, if you didn't update your weapons like I told you too, you're screwed. If you take too long to kill it, Sphinxaur has a little something called Doom that the attack command can't take care of.


Remember how I told you to junction that thunder magic? Well if you did as I told you this battle will be a breeze. If not, you're going to need that REVIVE ability after all. Go through the door the mighty Sphinxaur was blocking and you'll see a chandelier. Walk on it, and you'll go crashing down to the floor below. (This is the scariest part of Ultimecia's Castle.) This destroys a trap door below. Open it and head down. Go down the twisty stairs and say hi to Tri-Point.
Tri-Point's big attack is Mega Spark, which it will use every time you physically attack it. The Mega Spark cause major damage to every member of the party. At least I am told this is so. If you have enough thunder magic junctioned to the point of the green star you won't have to worry: you'll absorb the mega spark, and it will heal your party members. If you followed my advice, all you'll have is your GF abilities. So just keep hitting Tri-Point. This gets kinda annoying cause it will literally use the Mega Spark every fricken time you hit it. More time for you to laugh at it's efforts. If you're lucky, Tri-Point will actually use Scan on your characters to see why the Mega Spark isn't working. This information obviously didn't affect it's judgment, cause it'll keep using the Mega Spark. When it finally croaks, unlock GF.


You'll have to use the 2nd party now, but not to fight. Get them (in the green circle) and walk across the chandelier again. Go over to the green circle, and it will say "the lever has been depressed". Then the screen to change parties will come up. Change back to your first party, and go upstairs once again. Walk across the chandelier, which will *not* fall cause your second party is holding it up. On the other side you'll encounter Krysta, another one of Ultimecia's crappy servants
Krysta will not attack summoned creatures. In other words, if all you use is GF's against it, it won't attack you at all! Oh boy. Don't think you can handle that, huh? Diablos and Cactuar work well in this battle. Just summon your GF's. Anyone but Shiva will do. Do not attack or use magic against the boss. After inflicting the final blow, Krysta will cast a Ultima spell, and die. Unlock magic.


The name may sound intimidating, but once again you have nothing to worry about. Go again to the front of the mansion. Go up the steps, but instead of going through the door, turn right and go through the door. Follow the path to an art gallery. Look at all the paintings, and then go to the big painting at the front of the room. It doesn't have a name. The list of every painting in the gallery will come up (you have to look at all of them!). Pick VIVIDARIUM, INTERVIGILIUM and VIATOR in that order. The painting is called In the Garden Sleeps a Messenger. Solving this will cause another scary servant, Trauma, to appear.
Trauma can create mini versions of itself. Whoop dee do. Summon Doomtrain, Pandemona and Cactuar. Trauma's big attack is supposedly it's Mega Pulse Cannon. I never got hit with it. Just put this moron to rest and unlock Item

Red Giant

Go through the door in the art gallery, and you'll enter a gray room with steps on either side, and two knights in armor standing face to face in the center. There's a square thing in the middle of them. Believe it or not those are stairs (yeah, I know). Go down them and go in the cell to the left. There's a nice shiny key in the corpse's hand. Take it and you'll get locked inside the cell. Also another wimpy boss, Red Giant, will appear.
Summon Doomtrain right away to weaken the giant's defenses. This will blind the giant, who only uses physical attacks. Then use your GF's to get rid of him. Unlock your limit break and go on your merry way. Use the key you just picked up to get out of that cell.


From the front of the castle/mansion, whatever you want to call it, go through the door on the bottom floor, and go down the hallway. Then go through the middle door in the room. You should be outside. Go in the building across the way. (There should be a strange purple cloud in there. Ignore it). Go up the steps and you'll come to a wooden bridge. Walk on the bridge by pressing the TRIANGLE button and pick up the item, which is the armory. If you screw up and run on it like I did, don't panic. Go back to the dungeon, and you'll see the key shining in the water. Use it to open the door in the middle of the room.
You'll see a Vysage waiting in the back. Approach it. Immediately summon Doomtrain cause these things like abnormal status attacks. Then defeat it. But this thing doesn't die easily.
He may be huge, but Gargantua is no big threat. Sic Doomtrain on him, and summon GF's to put him out of his misery. Don't attack it physically unless you want to get hit with the counter twist counter attack. Nah, didn't think you did. Unlock the resurrection command. (Yeah, I know you won't need it, but it's better to be safe than sorry.)


Search around the front of the fountain for the Treasure Vault Key. Go find the tilted hallway and search the left side of it to find the treasure vault room. Inside you'll find 4 boxes. To make the boss appear, shut the first box, shut the 4th box, shut the 2nd box and open the 3rd box.
Oh dear! No! This guy uses scary thundara magic against your party! Too bad you've junctioned your characters to absorb it! Take Catoblepas for a ride on the Doomtrain and hit him with any GF but Quezecotl. Because it's been using thunder magic against you, that would just be dumb. Release the draw command.


Remember that bridge with the key on it? Go across it and climb the tower. When you see the swinging bell, position your characters on the edge of the left side and press X when the bell comes close to jump on it. You'll be dropped off on the other side, and pass through the hole in the wall and say hi to the last of Ultimecia's wimpy friends.
Ah, a GF gone wrong. How nice. If you encounter any sort of difficulty in the castle, it'll be from Tiamat. But don't worry about it. Just be glad he's not your GF, cause it'd be a waste of perfectly good junction space. Anyway, remember Bahamut's Mega Flare? Well Tiamat has a similar attack, Dark Flare, which isn't as strong. Still it will cause significant damage to all your characters. So much you'll have to dust off your RECOVER ability. Luckily, Dark Flare is Tiamat's only attack and it takes quite awhile for it to charge up. If you move quick enough, you'll only get hit with Dark Flare once (or maybe not at all) summon Doomtrain, which will make the countdown to Dark Flare even slower. Then use GF's to put an end to Tiamat use Eden if you have it. Then unlock your final command, save.

What's With That Purple Cloud...

Remember Ultima Weapon, that freaky thing at the bottom of the Deep Sea Research Center? Well, multiply it's size by 3 and it's power by 10 and you have Omega Weapon, the game's Ultimate fighting machine. Depending on your level the HP's on Omega Weapon could be over a MILLION.
I didn't fight Omega Weapon. I'll admit it, I was scared, and didn't have what it takes to beat it. I don't recommend you fight it either, unless you have 3 characters on level 100, have been playing the card game religiously, are curious, insane or a complete sadist.
If you have been playing the card game, and you have the Laguna card or the Gilgamesh care (or both, you lucky--), you may have a chance at beating Omega Weapon, if you're willing to part with the cards. I'm not going to tell you how to challenge Omega Weapon or how to beat it. If you think you're good enough to fight it, figure it out on your own, go to another website, or buy the strategy guide. I decided I didn't need to beat any crazy, freaky purple thing with a million hit points to prove a could play well. I just wanted to beat Ultimecia and watch the last movie!

This is it....the final boss
Difficulty rating: Hard
Who I used: Selphie, Zell, Rinoa and Quistis
Times I died: 0

After you're done laughing your way through the battles with Ultimecia's friends, climb the clock tower, go outside, climb a ladder walk across the clock hands, etc. etc. etc. You'll eventually see a save point, and a room. Congrats. You've reached the final boss.
Now, you won't be laughing your way through this battle, but if you're well prepared, as I was, you won't be begging for mercy either. You'll have no problems with Ultimecia. She's not as hard as you think. Here's the checklist before you battle her.
                    1. Junctioning GF's--You should have ever GF. If you don't well, unless you can go back and get the ones you missed, you'll have to deal with what you have. You want to try and give every GF some sort of HP+ ability (there are items that do this, like regen rings). Give GF's that don't have HP+ abilities to the characters who are #1 or #2 on their compatibility lists. Try and give each character one of these GF's (you most likely won't use them anyway.). If you don't have enough or have too many to distribute them evenly, use your best judgment on who gets what. Eden, Jumbo Cactuar and Bahamut may be used at the beginning of the fight, so you may want to junction them to the most of 2nd most compatible character. Your goal is to junction each GF so each character eventually has their HP at 9999 or close to that. Keep in mind you'll need to junction something else to get there...
                2. Magic--Make sure every character has most of the following spells: curaga, cura, full-life, life, triple, double, regen, haste, demi, meltdown, aura, ultima, and fiagra. (Why fiagra? Hey, just trust me here) You characters should have at *least* (and I mean **least**) 30 of each, if that's not possible, divide it best you can, but keep in mind that you'll need *a lot* of curaga. Junction this magic so your characters have full HP or close to it. All my characters had maximum HP in this battle, except Zell, who had 9355. This was kinda ironic cause Zell had been the first one to reach maximum HP, but when I redistributed the GF's he didn't end up the the Brothers, the big HP boosting GF. For added insurance, junction drain to the character's weapons and death to them.
                3. Weapons--I told you this before, but try and get everyone's best weapon. If you can't, get their 2nd best. In my game, everyone had their 2nd best weapon, except Irvine, who had his best one.
            4. Arrange--your magic so the spells I told you about are in front, and arrange your items. Be sure you have hi-potions, elixirs, phoenix down, and especially mega potions.
    5. Make sure *Everyone* has the magic command. Not everyone will need the GF command. You be the judge. Remember, Ultimecia has 4 forms, and you'll only be able to use a GF against the first one. I gave all my characters the GF command, only because I didn't know better. Give REVIVE and RECOVER to those who have it, and give 3 people draw and 3 item. Also make sure that people who have draw have room in their magic inventory, or the command will be useless!
When you're ready save your game, take a deep breath, and head into the master room. Remember, this battle is not as tough as you think.
Ultimecia will attempt to scare you, by telling you how you'll be killed and experience a "death worse than death." If a character is killed during the fight, you have a short while to revive them, before they get "sucked into time" (which is really depressing)
However, if you still have people waiting in the wings to fight, it's usually better to bring in "fresh blood" since they'll have their full stock of spells. If a character is near death and out of spells, kill them yourself, but ONLY IF YOU HAVE CHARACTERS WAITING TO FIGHT! If not, cure them and keep them alive! Whacking away at Ultimecia with your weapon is better than nothing at all!!
Ultimecia will begin by battling 3 characters chosen at random. For me, these characters were Selphie, Zell and Rinoa. I ended up using Quistis later on. I thought it was kinda depressing that Squall and Irvine didn't get to fight at all, especially since they fought everything the whole game! But I digress.
I began the fight by having Rinoa summon a GF, Jumbo Cactuar, while Zell cast double on himself, and Selphie cast triple on herself. Zell then cast double on Rinoa and Selphie and Selphie cast triple on Zell and Rinoa. Zell then casted haste on everyone, and Selphie casted  regen on everyone. Once the GF had done it's work, Rinoa immediately summoned him again. Zell cast meltdown on Ultimecia (only one is necessary, but hit her with 2 or 3 if you have a lot) Selphie then began hitting Ultimecia with demi (use triple here, even if you don't have a lot. Demi magic only works on this form of Ultimecia, so you might as well use it.) Cure if needed, or else have Zell join in too. Keep summoning the GF until Ultimecia summons her own GF....
Remember Squall's ring you named back on disc 2? Well, if you didn't bother to change it's name it's called Griever, and it's Ultimecia's GF. (I named the ring me, this GF is anything but that.) Griever does 2 things mainly: he steals your stocks of spells and casts Doom. Hit Griever with meltdown and ultima. If you have a lot of aura spells, break out the limit breaks on everyone, except Selphie, if you have her. Don't bother with Zell's meteor strike during any part of this battle. It's always a miss. The best limit break trick Angelo can perform during this whole operation is Invincible Moon, which makes everyone temporarily invincible. If anyone gets hit with Doom, give 'em an Elixir. After you cause a lot of damage to Griever he'll release his own limit break, shockwave pulsar. This'll his your character's hard. Cure everyone before attacking Griever again. It's time to move quickly, unless you want to get hit with that again.
Then comes the 3rd form--Griever and Ultimecia. Say hi with meltdown and use ultima. Time to begin using aura spells more frequently, but don't go crazy with the limit breaks yet. After awhile you'll see worm like things appearing in the sky besides Ultimecia/Griever. These things are bad. Hit them with meltdown immediately. They'll help Ultimecia/Griever use a nasty attack called Great Attractor, which hits your party with 3 planets and a meteor. Ouch. If you get his with this, heal everyone before attacking. Rinoa, if you have her, should be pumping out her limit breaks, trying to get Invincible Moon every time it wears off. When Ultimecia/Griever snaps in half this form is almost done for, so keep it up.
Now that Griever's out of the picture, only Ultimecia is left. And boy, is she pissed. Don't get too comfy now. This is, by far, the hardest part of the battle. hit Ultimecia with meltdown, but beware. She'll hit you with Hell's Judgment, which drains every character to 1 HP. This is where Selphie becomes your best friend, if you are lucky enough to have her. She should get her limit break and keep choosing "Do over" until you get "full cure". If you don't have Selphie, cure everyone best you can and cast regen on everyone as well. Then use whatever Ultima spells you have left. Cast aura on everyone but Selphie (again, if you have her) and use your limit breaks. They'll be fighting the battle for you. Ultimecia's gonna start getting *really* annoying. She'll start to cast dispel on your party members so you'll have to recast double, triple etc. on anyone hit with it. She'll also start blowing away a whole stock of spell, and she'll do it often. Don't hold back on your spells now. Dump all your ultima on Ultimecia and use aura for the limit breaks. Remember how I mentioned fiagra before? Well when I was playing, Selphie was getting hit really hard by Ultimecia's spell stealing. All her strong spells had been wiped, so I got so desperate I began hitting her with triple fiagra. It worked pretty well. Don't over look the power of this kind of magic. Use it if you have to!
Unfortunately, Zell's spells were getting zapped pretty badly by Ultimecia and his limit break wasn't enough to keep him around anymore. So the next time I got hit with Hell's Judgment I cured everyone but him and knocked him out of the fight next turn. I felt terrible, but I needed someone with strong spells. So they brought me Quistis. I gave Quistis triple, double, and aura.
At this point Ultimecia began drawing a very strong spell called Apocalypse from the lower half of her body. Remember how I told you to give some of your characters the draw command? Have those people draw that spell from Ultimecia and stock up on it. When they have enough, start casting it back at her in double and triple form. Target your attacks at the lower half of her body.
Now, with the three chicks left in the game, I decided to bump off Rinoa, cause her spells were pretty much gone and Angelo had done his work. Twice I killed her, but Angelo brought her back to life! Oh well. I needed Selphie's limit break and Quistis had just been brought in. Looks like Squall and Irvine wouldn't even get a chance.
When Ultimecia's starts to go on and on about time and your childhood, break out the champagne--the end is near!! Don't go jumping around your house just yet though, Ultimecia ain't dead till she's dead!
So that wasn't too hard, was it? Enjoy the great movie at the end!!

Total Time to Beat the Game: 62 hours

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