Before you read *anything* by me, you should take the time to read this. Here are warnings, explanations etc of why it is I do what I do in these fanfics/parodies:

First, the ever popular:
I don't own Rufus. Or Vincent. Or Reeve. Or Irvine. Or Reno or Tseng, Hojo, Scarlet, Heidegger, Rude, Elena, or any of the characters in the Final Fantasy games. I don't own Sephiroth either, tho sometimes it seems that way. I wish they belonged to me, but they belong to Squaresoft.....lucky....

My Rating System

Keep in mind I tend to *over* rate things. *Just* to be on the safe side. Anyway, I'm too lazy to explain the ratings, so here are your favorite (okay, maybe they're not *your* favorite...) Final Fantasy characters to explain for me.

Vincent: "Um....things given the 'G' rating have absolutely no objectionable content in them at all. I don't believe you'll see many titles given this rating."

Laguna: "Hey hey hey! President of Esthar here! Things given the PG rating have mild bad language, as well as violence and sexual situations. Basically not much objectionable material here either."

Rufus: "Stories rated PG-13 have moderate language, violence and sexual situations. Watch out for the 'f' word and the 's' word in these."

Sephiroth: "Stuff given a PG-15 are worse than the PG-13 stuff, but they're not quite bad enough to be rated R."

Reno: "Figures I get the R rating!" *laughs* "Watch out for lots of bad language, pretty bad violence and as graphic sex as we can get away with on this site." *frowns* "Which isn't enough if you ask me..."

Want to Send Me Your Stuff??

Lark: "Sure!! I'll take anything related to FF7 or FF8. There are a few rules...Sephiroth, tell them the rules."

Sephiroth: *sighs* "Very well.
1) E-mail your submissions to Lark or, if you wish, you may send them to me, Sephiroth."

"I don't recommend that."

"Quiet, woman! I am rattling off your silly nonsense!"

Lark: "Well Sor-ry. Continue."

Sephiroth: "2) Please do not send your submissions in html format. Lark is so webpage illiterate she does not use html. That is why all her pages look like crap."

Lark: "Hey!"

Sephiroth: "Silence! I am speaking!
3) Please give your submission a rating, and include a brief description of what the piece is about. Please also include your name, and whether the work is finished or incomplete.

4) Nothing that would be considered a lemon, please. Lark's not allowed to post anything like that one the server. If you do not know what lemon means, bascially she can't post any graphic sexual content. No porn.

5) Lark will accept some yaoi/slash fiction. It depends on the couple. Click here to see what's acceptable. Just remember that it can't be lemon.
Is that satisfactory?"

Lark: "Fine, Sephiroth." *rolls eyes*

Sephiroth: "I am off to check my e-mail." *disappears*

Lark: "Yeah, like you have any..."

A Word About Yaoi

 I do like most of it, and I'll accept in on the page as long as it's not rated as a lemon. However, there are a few couples that I don't believe in, and I since I don't read about them, I won't post them. In case you don't know what yaoi is, it's basically malexmale.

1. Nothing with Hojo, *please*. I really hate that man. (Even though I'm bad and I write it, it's for bastardization purposes only.)

2. No CidxVincent please. I just don't see that.

3. Nothing with Red XIII or Cait Sith. Bad, bad, bad.

4. Basically, anything with Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth, Vincent, Rufus, Reeve, Reno, Rude, and Tseng is fine. No Cid or Barret or anyone else not listed here.

5. No Laguna, Kiros or Ward with anyone please. Sorry.

6. Squall, Seifer, Zell and Irvine are fine, although they do pose some question marks...anyway, they're the only ones I'll accept from FF8.

Well, that's it, I guess. If you have any questions you can e-mail me. (Oh, and as you can see I pretty much kept Sephiroth off this page. I didn't want him fooling with the content of my fanfics and stuff)

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