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Fine, I Take This Back...

I know I said that I would never do a FF7 walkthrough, but I gave in. Many people shut down their FF7 sites. So what if FF8 came along? FF7 deserves the same recognition, even if it's a few years old!
The main reason that I'm writing this is because I did a dumb @$$ thing. I was nearly done with the game. I was up to Sephiroth, had beat Ultimate Weapon and had struggled my way there. I was in the process of racing chocobos when I did something *really* freaken dumb. I accidentally saved over my 44 hours of work with 11 minutes of effort on a new FF7 game I started. Yeah, that's right. If you look up "moron" in the dictionary, you'll see my face. Needless to say I cursed like Cid for a good hour. I nearly cried. After all, 44 hours just went flush cause I wasn't watching what I was doing! I blame it on Sephiroth. He was scared of me coming to kick his ass so he made me save over my game. So it looks like I'm back where I started. Oh well. At least this gives me the opportunity to write a walk through while I relive everything. So here we go.

The Characters

Unlike in FF8 you can rename *all* of the characters in FF7. Here they are:

Cloud's your main character here, so he better be likable. He's an ex-member of SOLDIER...yeah....and he's a mercenary now. I like Cloud pretty much. He's a nifty guy. He's doesn't bother me, and I feel sorry for him.
Cloud Uses a Sword. His weapon rocks, and his attack is really powerful. The main FF characters are always powerful.
Cloud's limit breaks rock. They're powerful, and you should definitely take advantage.

How cool is Barret? He may talk tough, but he's not all stone. Barret's head of the rebel group AVALANCHE. Barret rocks. He's one of my favorites. I use him frequently. He's so funny, and even if he's a walking stereotype, Barret can still be very serious.
Barret typically uses a gun, but he can obtain other short range weapons as well. His attack is pretty good.
Barret's limit breaks are pretty good too. Take advantage.

Tifa and Cloud have known each other since they were kids, and she kinda has a thing for him. Tifa rocks. She's the best FF7 gal IMHO. I use her a lot.
Tifa's weapons are her fists. Her attack is okay. Sometimes it really sucks though, especially on back row creatures.
Tifa's limit is really cool. It's a chain of 7 hits (once you've gained them). You must stop the twirling slots. A stop on "yeah" means extra damage. A stop on "miss" means that part misses. D'oh!

Uh...don't get too attached! Aeris is a flower seller turned flirt machine (aimed at Cloud, I might add) I didn't use her much because I liked other characters better and I knew what was going to happen...
Aeris uses a lame ass stick and has a crappy attack. It's really weak. When you use her, load her down with materia.
Ah ha! Something good! Her limit breaks are all defense bases, which means they help you and don't hurt the enemy. Most heal the party. Sometimes you might want to hold off on using it until your party needs some extra HP's.

What is he? Cat? Tiger? *shrug* Oh well. Whatever he is he's damn smart! I didn't like Red much at first, but I love him now. I use him a whole lot. Red's cool.
Red uses weapons with names like "clip" and "barette", but you don't put these in your hair. His attack totally rocks.
Some of his limit breaks are better than others. Some are defensive, but most are offensive. Use them right away.

@$#%! Cid's a pilot, and he's always cursing and smoking. ::disapproving look:: He was supposed to go into space, but that got screwed up. I like Cid a lot. Even if he is a smoker. I love how he curses all the time.
Cid uses spears. His attack is totally powerful. His ultimate weapon, the Venus Gospel, cause about 8000+ points of damage.
Cid's limit breaks are pretty cool. They're all offensive, so use them.

A materia obsessed ninja who won't join the gang on her own. You've gotta go searching for her (more on that later). I use her occasionally. She's pretty cool.
Some of Yuffie's weapons are long range, and all have strange names. Her attack is okay.
Her limit breaks are pretty cool, and all but one are offensive.

Yes, it's true. I used to hate Cait Sith. I used to hate him a lot.... Then I used him in my party. ....Yeah. Shut up. Anyway, he's not so bad, in fact, he's pretty amusing. I like him. Yeah, I actually use him. So, I'm afraid I'm no longer a Cait Sith hater. I always make mistakes like this >.< But I still hate Aeris.
His weapon is an M-phone. I used to think it sucked till I used it, then I realized it wasn't so bad! Way better than Aeris'. Oops >.<
His limit break ain't half bad. However, in the slot limit break there's a chance you'll pick the unlucky slots and have everyone die instantly. And this is supposed to help you how...??

Ah ha! Best for last! Vincent used to work of the Shinra before Hojo screwed him up. But even though he's weird, he's still awesome! Vincent won't join you on his own (he's too cool for everybody to get I guess. j/k.) but more on how to get him later. Vincent it my FF7 Irvine, which means he's always by Cloud's side.
Vincent uses guns, which are obviously all long range. (In case you're wondering, yes, all my fav FF characters must use guns). His attack is good.
Well, you can't have everything and Vincent's limit breaks are kinda bad. They cause him to transform which means you lose him for the rest of the battle. I don't recommend that you use the limit break in a boss fight unless you're really desperate. (Transforming causes Vincent's HP to go up in some cases) When you use Vincent, don't give you most important defense spells like cure and barrier, but give him a lot of attack magic in case you don't want to use his limit, or a deathblow materia so he can attack anyway.

Now Here Are the *other* Characters

Ok, here are the bad guys (although they prefer good-challenged guys). I was disappointed in the lack of coverage on the bad guys who aren't Sephiroth. So here they are, in all their glory!


President Shinra

The President of Shinra Inc. at the beginning of the game. His company runs the poor city of Midgar where Mako energy is sucked outta the Earth by reactors. Shinra is cruel and downright mean. I don't like him at all.

Rufus Shinra

The President's son, and Vice President of Shinra Inc. Rufus becomes President of the company after his old man kicks the bucket. Rufus is as gorgeous as animated characters come. Oh yeah, he's also self-centered, arrogant and a bigger threat than his father, but hey- let's not be picky! I love Rufus. He's my favorite FF7 character. I especially love him when he's telling off the next character....


Heidegger is head of Public Maintenance and order at Shinra. That means he oversees the Turks. Heidegger is Rufus' right hand man. He also laughs very annoyingly. Gyahahahaha on you. I don't like him. At all. He's mean.


Scarlet is the head of Shinra weapons development. She dresses like a bit of a...well...anyway, she's generally evil. I *hate* her. A LOT. Another laughing hyena over here too. Kyahahaha!


Ok, let's get back to people I like. Reeve is in charge of city development. He's another cutie, and, if you want to get technical *sigh*- the only *truly* decent member of the Shinra bunch. He's also the one in control of Cait Sith, which is his only drawback. I love Reeve. ^_^

Professor Hojo

Yuck. Public enemy in my book (Sephiroth who?). Hojo is head of the Shinra chemistry division and is a few clowns short of a circus if you ask me. He's definitely a mad scientist. I *hate* Hojo more than Scarlet. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Ew, ew, ew!  He is responsible for all of Vincent's suffering.


Palmer is a fat turd who's in charge of Shinra's dormant space program. He takes *lard* in his tea. Give me a break. I'm not a huge fan of him either.

Well you're probably wondering why I love Shinra so much when I hate half of the members. Well, I've saved the 2nd best for last: the Turks. All Turks *rock*. (After all, Vincent used to be one.)
Here they are:


Tseng, besides being the cutest one, is the head of the Turks, and my personal favorite. (Yes, there's a rule somewhere that all my favorite FF7 bad guys must die). I love him.


My 2nd favorite Turk. Some find him adorable. I'm still trying to figure out why (the red hair does nothing for me) but I like Reno a whole lot anyway.


Rude's a *bit* of a drinker, and he's also a sniper. (Sniper...Irvine...whoops, wrong game!) He's a cool guy.


The only other chick in Shinra besides Scarlet. She's the only girl in Shinra that I *like*. Elena's the newest Turk, and she's in love with Tseng. Well, who can blame her.....

Oh Yeah, And There's This OTher Guy....

Oh yeah, and there's this other guy in the game you just *might* happen to run into. His name's

Ah, your main villain. Well, if Hojo is a few clowns short of a circus, Sephiroth's circus doesn't have any clowns. He went totally crazy 5 years ago and one got him the help he needed. There's a lot of contraversary surrounding this top SOLDIER warrior.....

Sephiroth: "I am not crazy. I am misunderstood."

Lark: "Sure Sephiroth...everyone knows that...heh heh."

Sephiroth: "Are you mocking me?"

Lark: *innocent smile* "Of course not."

Lark: "I'm an official Sephiroth fan." *cough* "sure..." *cough*

Sephiroth: "Everyone should have one of those buttons."

Well, that's the character list for this game. Now I will explain how to play FF7

You Can't Play FF7 Like FF8!

In 8 leveling up is not essential. In that game you rely on strong spells and GF's. 7 is completely different. In 7 you *MUST* try to level up at EVERY opportunity. That means you should do a lot of aimless walking around on the world map from time to time and running away from battle is a big no-no (which doesn't stop me....::cough::). Where's the best place to level up? This has been the subject of much debate, but I say once you have the Tiny Bronco head for the island Wutai is on. The enemies there aren't that tough, and you get a lot of EXP, AP and a lot of good items like X-potions and phoenix downs from defeating them.
In this game you don't draw spells. You have little round colored balls called materia that equip you with a power of a certain spell. For example, restore materia allows you to cast cure magic, and lightning materia allows you to cast bolt magic. Each type of materia contains the ability to cast several spells, however, the materia "levels up" like your characters. The difference is that materia levels up using AP instead of experience. Having your materia level up is slow. Also, the materia only levels up if it's equipped to a character's weapon  or armor taking place in the battle. Also, there are no GF's in this game. There is "summon materia" which acts like a GF and attacks the enemy. The big differences are a summon spell works right away, while a GF takes time to charge, and you can boost a GF, while you can't do anything for a summon spell.
In this game you not only have HP, you have MP, your magic points. Each spell uses a certain amount of MP and once that's gone your spell casting during that battle is terminated (there is an item called an ether that can restore 100 MP's.) Also, unlike in 8 where spells *helped* your HP's, materia *hurts* you HP's in 7. However, it *helps* your MP. Damn.
Allow me to be blunt. All the cure magic in the world ain't gonna win the game for you. Leveling up will. Level up like CRAZY (and unlike in 8 it takes *forever* in 7). Don't even *think* about heading to the final battle before your characters and materia are maxed out.

A Word About The Buttons...

Remember the good ol' "when in doubt press [X] theory from FF8? Forget it. The [O] button is your pal here. The button configuration here is almost completely opposite. To run from battle, hold down R1 and L1 instead of R2 and L2. (Picture me playing FF8, holding down R1 and L1 and yelling "Squall, why aren't you runnin?!" at the game. Sad, but it happened. Have I been added to the dictionary yet? You know, under moron?)

*Buying* Weapons? YES!

Whoo hoo! Something good! In FF7 you buy (or find) all your weapons. There's no running around the world map searching for a creature that drops dragon fangs. However, unlike in 8 where you had Gil coming out of your ears, I'm always scraping for Gil in 7. In 7 you get money from killing enemies. You don't get paid. My advice? Sell anything you don't need. (I'd sell Cait Sith if they'd let me)


Need Help with Disc 1 or 2 or need *additional* help? Click here

Disc Three

How To Beat the Legendary WEAPONS!

Sephiroth: "You didn't beat WEAPON, woman!"

Lark: "No, I didn't. But someone was kind enough to write down their experiences for me!"

Looking for Other Things on 7 Other Than Another Walkthrough? Look No Further!


FF7 Weapons

Character Stats

My Shrine to Rufus

My *Forced* Shrine to Sephiroth

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