The FF8 Cowboy

Hey, I may hate Galbadia Garden, but I sure like their #1 sharp shooter! Every character in FF8 has his/her character flaws, and I'm not saying that Irvine's an exception, cause he's not. But all in all he's still my favorite, and I think that cowboy thing is kinda cute. When my sister was playing FF8 she told me Irvine was really hot, and I was like "whatever". Then I actually played, and I saw what she was talking about.


NAME: Irvine Kinneas
AGE: 17
DATE OF BIRTH: November 24

Why I Like Irvine:

I like Irvine cause he acts so cool, but he's really not. I also love how he hits on every girl in sight, and his cowboy outfit. I always go for those play boy types. He's always in my party, unless he can't be. Also, he has a gun. I go for the guys with the guns. we see a pattern developing? I really wish they went into Irvine more in the game. He's kind of ignored sometimes.

My Favorite Irvine Quote:

"Looks like I'm with you rubes from Balamb."

What's a rube? Well, I didn't know either, till I looked it up. Basically it's an unsophisticated person from the sticks. This from someone who dresses like a cowboy....

Other Irvine Quotes I Like:

"Hey, hey, hey... Fellas... We're here to knock off the sorceress, right? So let's get down to business."

"I...I can't do it."

"I...I can't... I'm sorry, I can't do it. I always choke like this... I try to act all cool, joke around, but I just can't handle the pressure..."

"I can't, dammit!"

"...I'm sorry."

"I have to redeem myself."

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