They  Fight The *Whole* Game For You...

Major Characters

*Cloud Strife*
*Game: FF7*
*Age: 21*
*From: Nibelheim*
*Occupation: Mercenary*
*Who?: Cloud's life has become very cloudy. (hehe. Ok, fine. Not funny) He believes he was once a member of SOLDIER, first class at that, and accompanied Sephiroth to Nibelheim five years ago. In actuality many of the things he claims are not exactly true. Cloud's memories tell him that he and Tifa were best friends as children, but in actuality they barely knew one another. One day, shortly after Tifa's mom died, Tifa ran up Mt. Nibel looking for her mom, since she believed that where dead people went. Cloud followed her, and tried to save Tifa when she fell. He was unsuccessful and Tifa was in a coma for 7 days. Cloud always felt she blamed him. If only he had been strong, like Sephiroth....then Tifa would notice him. Cloud wanted to impress Tifa, so he asked to meet with her one night and he told her he was running off to join SOLDIER where he could become like Sephiroth. Tifa made Cloud promise that he would come back to help her if she were ever in trouble. But Cloud never made it into SOLDIER. He went to Nibelheim with Sephiroth alright, but as a plain old Shinra foot soldier. And a motion sick one at that. Zack was Sephiroth's SOLDIER companion for the trip. Cloud claimed a picture of him, Sephiroth and Tifa was taken before they climbed Mt. Nibel, but in actuality it was Zack in Cloud's place. After Sephiroth went mad, Tifa, Zack and Cloud all went up to where Jenova was being kept at the Mako reactor. Tifa was injured by Sephiroth and so was Zack. Zack told Cloud to kill Sephiroth, and Cloud tried his best. Sephiroth stabbed Cloud through with his sword, but somehow Cloud managed to life Sephiroth up and threw him into the Mako below. When he woke up, him and Zack were being held in containers of Mako in the basement of the Shinra mansion. There, Cloud was injected with the cells of Jenova in an experiment to create clones of Sephiroth. Zack managed to free them both and dragged Cloud's spazzy form away from Nibelheim and got them a truck headed for Midgar. It was on that truck Zack decided he and Cloud would forget Shinra and become mercenaries. When Zack and Cloud arrived near Midgar, Shinra troops found Zack and shot him to death. Because Cloud was still totally out of it, they left him alone. Cloud then took Zack's sword and headed into Midgar to fulfill Zack's plan. Cloud ended up at the Sector 7 station where he saw Tifa. She got him a job with AVALANCHE, a rebellion group she belonged to. Because he had been put in Mako and injected with Jenova, Cloud had the glow in his eye that everyone in SOLDIER had. Cloud believes that he was the one with Sephiroth at Nibelheim, and became haunted by him. Was he really someone else than who he believed? Was everything he believed about Nibelheim wrong? Is he a failed clone of Sephiroth? Just a Jenova filled puppet?*

*Barret Wallace*
*Game: FF7*
*Age: 35*
*From: Corel (now North Corel)*
*Occupation: AVALANCHE leader*
*Who?: Barret is the head of a rebel group that rebels against the Shinra, but in the past Barret was all for the Shinra. When he lived in Corel the Shinra wanted to put up a Mako reactor. Everyone was for it, except Barret's best friend Dyne who wanted to stick with Corel's tradition of mining coal. He was overruled and the Corel reactor was built. All was well for awhile, and Barret and Dyne left town. When the returned they found the town in flames. Turns out there was an explosion at the reactor and it was blamed on the people of Corel. Scarlet and some Shinra soldiers started attacking Barret and Dyne. Barret tried to save Dyne, but he fell off a cliff. Barret's arm was severely injured and he got a gun grafted on. Everyone close to Barret in Corel was killed by the Shinra except for Dyne's newborn baby daughter, Marlene, who Barret took and raised as his own. Banished from Corel by those who blamed him for having the reactor built, Barret moved to Midgar and formed AVALANCHE to rebel against the Shinra he hated so much. Along with Biggs, Wedge, Jessie and Tifa, the team worked to blow up the Mako reactors around Midgar. They dreamed of going to Cosmo Canyon to celebrate once Shinra was crushed, but Barret's dreams were smashed when Shinra destroyed the Sector 7 pillar and Biggs, Wedge and Jessie were killed.*

*Tifa Lockheart*
*Game: FF7*
*Age: 21*
*From: Nibelheim*
*Occupation: AVALANCHE member, bar owner*
*Who?: Tifa grew up in Nibelheim next door to Cloud. Her mother died when she was a child, and Tifa was very upset. Thinking the dead people went behind the mountains, she ran up to Mt. Nibel, and Cloud followed her. Tifa slipped and fell and although Cloud tried to save her, Tifa was severely injured and was in coma for a long time. Cloud was blamed for her injury, which caused him to meet up with her after her recovery. He told her he was joining SOLDIER and she made him promise to come help her if she was ever in trouble. While Cloud was gone, Tifa was taught the art of fighting by a man named Zangan. Sephiroth and Zack arrived at Nibelheim to check out the reactor, and Tifa was their guide there. Before they went up, a townsman took a picture of Zack, Sephiroth and Tifa together. Cloud was there too as a foot soldier, but he never let Tifa see him. When Sephiroth went crazy and burned down the town, Tifa went up to the reactor and tried to kill Sephiroth after she found her father dead. Sephiroth severely injured her, and she nearly died. Afterwards, Tifa was saved by Zangan and taken to Midgar, where she eventually joined AVALANCHE and set up a bar called "Tifa's 7th Heaven" in sector 7. Tifa found Cloud at the sector 7 station one day, kinda out of it, and got him a job with AVALANCE. Although she knows the truth about how it was Zack and not Cloud in Nibelheim, she doesn't say anything and avoids all of Cloud's questions on the subject.*

*Aeris Gainsbourgh*
*Game: FF7*
Age: 22*
*From: Midgar, Sector 5*
*Occupation: Flower Seller*
*Who?: Aeris is an Ancient, the last of the Cetra, who roamed and healed the planet. Aeris' parents were Professor Gast, the head of the Jenova project, and Infalna, an Ancient. When Infalna escaped the Shinra she was badly injured. She ended up at the Sector 5 station in Midgar where a lonely woman was waiting for her husband to return from war. Infalna turned Aeris over to the woman who took the child in and raised her as her own. Aeris often commented that she heard her mother talking to her. Aeris also had some materia that belonged to her mother, white materia. Aeris also knew a boy named Tseng who she was friendly with. Aeris met up with a young man from SOLDIER named Zack and they became a couple until he had to go. The Shinra sent the Turks after Aeris, attempting to kidnap her, but she wasn't sure why. Aeris introduced herself to Cloud when he came crashing down through the roof of the church she kept her flowers in. He agreed to be her bodyguard, and she ended up tagging along to find Sephiroth. After Sephiroth got a hold of the ultimate destruction materia, Aeris left the group, aiming to stop Sephiroth herself. Using her mother's white materia, Aeris prayed for Holy to come and stop meteor from destroying the planet. Sephiroth then dropped in and killed Aeris, but Holy had already been summoned. However, someone would have to destroy Sephiroth for Holy to destroy meteor.*

*Red XIII/Nanaki*
*Game: FF7*
*Age: 40 something*
*From: Cosmo Canyon*
*Occupation: None*
*Who?: Red XIII is a warrior by blood, and the last of his species. His parents both died saving Cosmo Canyon from the evil Gi warriors. Red always believed his father was a traitor until his grandfather, Bugenhagen, showed him his father single handily battled the enemy in the Gi cave and although he was turned to stone he saved Cosmo Canyon. Red was somehow captured by the Shinra and Hojo gave him a tattoo with the number 23 and the name Red. Hojo wished to mate Red and Aeris since they were both the last of their species, but then when Cloud and the gang arrived to free Aeris, they freed Red too. Red's real name is Nanaki, and his intelligence is far above that of humans. Although he is in his 40's, Red is still considered a child with much to learn.*

*Cid Highwind*
*Game: FF7*
*From: Rocket Town*
*Occupation: Pilot*
*Who?: Cid is a big arrogant, and refers to himself as the best pilot in the world. Still, he can drive almost anything so it may be true. Cid was supposed to be the first man in space, a trip that would have made his dream come true. Cid was forced to abort the mission when he found out an engineer, named Shera, was still below. Cid canceled the take-off because he didn't want to be a murderer. After that the Shinra forgot all about space and concentrated on Mako. Cid's dream was forgotten, but he always clung to the hope that someday Shinra would restart the space program. When Cloud and the gang arrived, Cid joined up, thinking they were crazy going up against the Shinra, and he liked it. Oh yeah, and he kinda curses a lot.*

*Yuffie Kisaragi*
*Game: FF7*
*Age: 16*
*From: Wutai*
*Occupation: Materia thief*
*Who?: Yuffie comes from Wutai, a small town located on an island. Wutai used to be a great military area before it was defeated in war. Now it caters to tourists, and Yuffie is disgusted by what Wutai has become. She believes that if she collects enough materia, Wutai can become what it once was.*

*Cait Sith*
*Game: FF7*
*Occupation: Fortune teller/ spy*
*Who?: Cait Sith is a spy for the Shinra, controlled by Reeve. Cait Sith talked his way into the group at Gold Saucer and was trusted until he was caught handing over the Keystone to the Temple of the Ancients to Tseng, the head Turk. Although  everyone wanted him out of the group, Cait Sith played a clip of Marlene in trouble to keep his position with the gang. Although he is a spy, Cait Sith still likes what Cloud and the gang are up to and wants to be like them. Cait Sith sacrificed his fake body to become the ultimate destruction materia, but another Cait Sith soon arrived to continue where the first one left off.*

*Vincent Valentine*
*Game: FF7*
*Age: I've heard 27, but there is no way that's true. Vincent was probably about 27 when Hojo screwed him up, so he probably looks that age. No one knows how old Sephiroth is, but he's obviously quite older than Cloud because he was famous when Cloud was a kid. If Sephiroth was 25 when Cloud was 10, that would make Sephiroth 36 now, meaning there would be a 36 year difference between Sephiroth and Vincent's ages since Vincent was around when Sephiroth was born. That would make Vincent's real age around 63.*
*Occupation: Unemployed (formerly of the Turks)*
*Who?: Way back when the whole Jenova project began, Vincent was a Turk for the Shinra. He was in love with a scientist working on the Jenova project named Lucretia. Vincent proposed to Lucretia but she said no and went off with Hojo to have Sephiroth instead. Vincent was crushed, but didn't really care as long as she was happy. Vincent hated the whole idea of using people in the experiments and told this to Hojo was shot him, killed him, and genetically altered him. Vincent was kept away in a room in the basement of the mansion where he slept in a coffin to punish himself for not trying to save Lucretia from Hojo's evilness.*

*Squall Leonhart*
*Game: FF8*
*Age: 17*
*Height: 5'8"*
*Birthday: August 23rd*
*Blood Type: AB*
*Occupation: SeeD from Balamb Garden*
*Who?: Squall's parents were probably Raine and Laguna. When Raine died, Squall and Ellone were sent to an orphanage on the Centra continent where Edea was the matron. Squall spent his days hanging around Ellone until she went away. From then on, Squall constantly moped for "Sis", or Ellone, to come back. It was at this time Squall realized he had no one to rely on but himself, so he kept to himself, and didn't make many friends. Squall used to get in fights with a fellow orphan named Seifer Almasy, and things with Seifer never changed, even when they got to Garden. Squall worked hard and became a SeeD for Garden at age 17. It was on his first SeeD mission he met Rinoa Heartilly, a rebel in an organization called the Forest Owls, whose objective it was to free Timber of Galbadian control. Squall and Rinoa had met before at the party for new SeeD's. She had made him dance with her, but they have never been formerly introduced. Their personalities clashed at first, but Squall grew to truly love Rinoa. However, because of his reputation of being cold, unemotional and withdrawn, Squall didn't do anything about it. Would he learn to depend on others?*

*Rinoa Heartilly*
*Game: FF8*
*Age: 17*
*Height: 5' 3 1/2"*
*Birthday: March 3rd*
*Who?: Rinoa is the daughter of Julia, a singer and pianist, and General Caraway, General for the Galbadian army. Rinoa and her father do not get along at all, mainly because he works for Galbadian army, while his daughter is a member of the Forest Owls, a timber resistance group. Rinoa had a relationship with Seifer Almasy, a student at Balamb Garden, and fell in love with him. She came to the party for new SeeD's to find Seifer and speak with Cid about having SeeD help the Forest Owls for not much money. Rinoa danced with squall at the party, but was not formally introduced to him until he and his fellow SeeD's showed up at the Forest Owls base. At first Rinoa and Squall did not get along, as Rinoa tried to see the 'real' Squall. In time she forgot about Seifer and fell for Squall instead.*

*Quistis Trepe*
*Game: FF8*
*Age: 18*
*Height: 5'6"*
*Birthday: October 4th*
*Blood Type: A*
*Occupation: SeeD/Garden Instructor*
*Who?: Quistis grew up in the orphanage on the Centra continent where Edea was matron. She was adopted, but things never really worked out in her new home and she was at Garden at a fairly early age. Quistis was something of a child prodigy and became a SeeD by age 15. She also was forced to break up many Squall/Seifer fights. By 17 Quistis had her Instructor license, a fan club of admirers known as Trepes, and she had fallen in love with Squall. However, Quistis gave up on being an Instructor after she was told she lacked leadership qualities and a stern demeanor. Instead she simply went back to being a SeeD*

*Selphie Timilt*
*Game: FF8*
*Age: 17*
*Height: 5 1 1/2"*
*Birthday: July 16th*
*Blood Type: B*
*Occupation: SeeD*
*Who?: Selphie grew up at the Centra continent orphanage before becoming a student at Trabia Garden. While on a scouting mission one day, Selphie found a GF in one of the monsters she'd killed. She junctioned that GF for awhile, which is how she forgot some of her childhood. Selphie transferred to Balamb Garden right before the SeeD exam. She took over the Garden festival committee and her bubbly and outgoing personality quickly gained her friends at Garden.*

*Zell Dincht*
*Game: FF8*
*Age: 17*
*Height: 5'5"*
*Blood Type: B*
*Occupation: SeeD*
*Who?: Zell grew up at the orphanage Edea was head of, where Seifer picked on him often. Zell was adopted by the Dincht's of Balamb and always believed them to be his parents. Zell was popular in his hometown, regarded as lively, but also klutzy and somewhat poorly behaved. Zell tends to think before he speaks and let little things get the better of him. Zell attended Garden and became a SeeD. Seifer still continued to pick on him, calling him a 'chicken wuss', a name Zell despised. Zell loves the always sold out hot dogs sold in the cafeteria and attracted the attention of a girl who works in the Garden library.*

*Irvine Kinneas*
*Game: FF8*
*Age: 17*
*Height: 6'0"*
*Birthday: November 24th*
*Blood Type: A*
*Occupation: Galbadia Garden student*
*Who?: Irvine grew up in the orphanage with everyone else, but since he only started using GF's recently, he's the only one that remembers anything. Irvine attended Galbadia Garden where he gave off the impression he was a misunderstood lover, and flirted with all the pretty female students. Irvine's other area of expertise besides women? Guns. Irvine's an expert marksman, who joins up with Squall and the gang when they're off to kill Edea. Irvine remembers everyone and knows Edea was their Matron, but he refrains from telling anyone so it will be easier to fight her. Zell and Irvine don't really hit it off, as Irvine tends to say anything he wants and Zell is easily offended. Irvine was all set to shoot Edea when he freaked out, saying he couldn't do it. He couldn't be the one to change history so drastically. Irvine managed to get off a perfect shot, but Edea stopped the bullet.*

*Laguna Loire*
*Game: FF8*
*Age: 27 (past) about 44 (present)*
*Height: 5' 9"*
*Birthday: January 3rd*
*Blood Type: B*
*Occupation: Galbadian soldier/writer/President*
*Who?: Laguna was a klutzy Galbadian soldier with a bad sense of direction who hung out with his fellow soldiers Kiros and Ward. Laguna often returned home to Deling City to see a woman named Julia perform in the hotel. Laguna really liked Julia, but he always got really awkward around her. Julia told Laguna she was going to write a song he had inspired, but Laguna went to Centra and never saw her again. While at Centra, Laguna, Kiros and Ward were all badly injured. Laguna was taken in by Raine, a woman from Winhill, and nursed back to health. Laguna really liked Raine, and the child she was caring for, Ellone. He paid back to debt to the town by getting rid of the monsters that had moved in. One day Kiros showed up and filled his friend in on everything that happened since the Centra accident. He also told Laguna that the Timber Maniacs were looking for someone to write about travel. Laguna was excited about the opportunity to write, but was reluctant to leave Winhill. He loved Raine, and Raine loved him, even if the town hated him. Laguna married Raine at some point, but I am not sure which. Laguna left Winhill and spent all his money staying in a hotel. To make money, Laguna, Kiros and Ward were stuck acting in a crappy movie where they were attacked by ruby dragons. Badly injured again, Laguna ended up in the Shumi village where he tried to teach the Moombas to speak. I believe that after he recovered, Laguna went back to Winhill and that's when Ellone was captured by Esthar. So he went in search of her, but ended up a slave to the Esthar leader, Adel. Ellone was being held by Doctor Odine for a study, but Laguna freed her and sent her back to Winhill and Raine. Raine died, however, leaving behind a child. Meanwhile, Laguna fell in with an anti-Adel movement and had the evil sorceress trapped and sent into space where her powers were sealed. Laguna also helped to have lunatic pandora sunk. During the meeting to decide who would rule Esthar, Laguna was spacing out until he found out he had been elected ruler.*

*Kiros Seagill*
*Game: FF8*
*Age: 23 (past) about 40 (present)*
*Height: 6' 4"*
*Birthday: July 6th*
*Blood Type: O*
*Occupation: Galbadian soldier/ Presidential Aide*
*Who?: Not much is known about Kiros, except that he's Laguna's pal with a sharp wit. Kiros went to Centra where he was badly injured after Laguna threw him off a cliff. After he recovered he hunted Laguna down and stuck with him the rest of the way.*

*Ward Zabac*
*Game: FF8*
*Age: 25 (past) about 42 (present)*
*Height: 7' 0"*
*Birthday: February 25th*
*Blood Type: A*
*Occupation: Galbadian soldier/janitor/Presidential Aide*
*Who?: Ward was a soldier with Laguna and Kiros. At Centra Ward was badly injured, and he could not longer talk. Since he was mute, Ward worked in a prison as a janitor after he recovered. He was bored out of hi mind, and longed to be back with his pals. Ward ended up back with Kiros and Laguna and stayed with them through the Esthar operation.*

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