You Can't Do It Without Them....
Major Characters

*Rufus Shinra*
*Game: FF7*
*Who?: The Vice President turned President of the Midgar based Shinra Inc. Rufus chooses to rule using fear rather than money. He's also arrogant, self-centered and extremely good looking. Rufus tried to stay one step ahead of Cloud's gang when it comes to finding Sephiroth. Rufus works closely with Heidegger and often blames him for any mishaps. Shinra developed a weapon called the Sister Ray which ran on Mako Energy and he ordered it fired upon the barrier surrounding Sephiroth's crater at the North Cave. Unfortunately the Sister Ray was being aimed at the Diamond Weapon as well, which fired upon the city, hitting the room Rufus was in, killing him. ::sob::*

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: Sephiroth is the son of Lucretia and Hojo, two Shinra scientists. He was born in order to test Professor Gast's Jenova theory, in which the cells of Jenova are inserted into a human being to make them stronger. Sephiroth never knew his real parents, and always believed his mother was named Jenova. Sephiroth entered soldier where he soon rose to the top ranks. Because of the Jenova cells in him Sephiroth possessed unbelievable strength. Five years prior to the beginning of Cloud's adventures with AVALANCHE Sephiroth and Zack went to Nibelheim to investigate a broken Mako reactor. While there, Sephiroth saw all the Jenova spaceman's and realized his mother's name was Jenova. Was he one of these monsters created by the Shinra? Sephiroth spent many, many hours in the basement of the Shinra mansion reading up on the Jenova project. Believing he was an ancient like Jenova was believed to be, Sephiroth hated anyone that was a "traitor", a descendent of those who chose to settle down and not roam the planet. Sephiroth believed that he and his mother, Jenova, could rule the world together at the legendary promised land of the ancients. Sephiroth went mad, burning down the town of Nibelheim, killing everyone. Tifa and Zack both tried to stop him from causing any further damage, but they were both badly injured. Cloud also tried to stand up to Sephiroth, but he was stabbed through. However, Cloud somehow managed to fling Sephiroth into the Mako below. Sephiroth was believed to be dead until he showed up at Shinra headquarters, murdered the President, and stole Jenova. That Sephiroth turned out to be a clone of the *real* Sephiroth, in search of ultimate destruction, or black materia. The real Sephiroth lay frozen in the North Cave crater and once he received the black materia Sephiroth summoned meteor to destroy the planet. Sephiroth would then absorb all life, making him the supreme ruler. Sephiroth must be stopped in order for the planet to have a chance for survival.*

*Professor Hojo*
*Game: FF7*
*Who?: Professor Hojo worked for Shinra under Professor Gast in the Jenova project alone with Lucretia. When the project called for a real live human being to be inserted with the cells of Jenova, Hojo convinced Lucretia that he loved her and they should have a child in the name of science. She agreed and Sephiroth was born. There was a Turk named Vincent Valentine who loved Lucretia and hated the whole idea of the Jenova project. Hojo could not let him get in his way so he shot Vincent in the arm and genetically altered him. Meanwhile the last surviving Ancient, a woman named Infalna, was being studied as part of the experiment. Gast ultimately decided this was wrong and escaped with Infalna. Hojo later hunted Gast down and took Infalna and her child back. They eventually escaped and Hojo sent the Turks to search out the child for experimentation. With Gast gone, Hojo became the head of the Shinra chemistry divison.*

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: Scarlet is the head of Weapons development at Shinra Inc., a company which used to specialize in weapons development but now deals with Mako energy. Scarlet searched the planet for Huge Materia to use in her ultimate weapon.*

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: Heidegger is the head of Public maintenance and order at Shinra. He's also the boss of the Turks and Rufus' right hand man. Rufus blames Heidegger for everything that goes wrong, which causes him to retaliate on others.*

*Tseng, Reno, Rude and Elena*
*Game: FF7*
*Who?: These are the Turks, who have many functions for the Shinra. Tseng is the head Turk, and Elena is the newest Turk, hired because they were short handed. At the beginning the Turks have the job kidnapping Aeris. Reno fails, but Tseng is successful. (Tseng has a crush on Aeris, who's he's known since he was little, Elena has a crush on Tseng, and Rude has a thing for Tifa.) the Turks act as Shinra's scouts and always seem to be one step ahead of Cloud's gang. The Shinra managed to steal the keystone to the temple of the Ancients from under Cloud's nose. Tseng took the keystone to the temple, where he was killed by Sephiroth. Elena was very upset about Tseng's death, but the remaining Turks carried on without their leader.*

*Seifer Almasy*
*Game: FF8*
*Age: 18*
*Height: 6'2"*
*Birthday: December 22nd*
*Blood Type: O*
*Who?: A student at Balamb Garden and a member of the disciplinary committee, Seifer's taken the SeeD exam more than anyone else but can never seen to pass. Seifer grew up in an orphanage with Squall Leonhart, and the two were always rivals. Seifer gave Squall a scar across his face one day during training, but Squall retaliated and gave Seifer a scar on the opposite side of his face. Never one to take orders, Seifer met Rinoa Heartilly one summer and helped her get the help of SeeD for her resistance movement. Because of his insurrection during his most recent SeeD exam, Seifer was being disciplined by Garden. When he found out 3 rookie SeeD's were dispatched by Garden to help Rinoa, Seifer grew angry, escaped, and headed for Timber where Squall and the gang had been sent. There, Seifer held his gunblade to the throat of Galbadian President Vinzer Deling, but let him go once the word went out he was from Garden. Sorceress Edea then appeared out of nowhere and convinced Seifer to follow her. Later, it was believed Seifer had been executed for what he did to Deling, but he turned up in a parade with Edea as her knight. Seifer helped Edea search for Ellone and stood by her side, obeying every order with the belief his dreams would come true. With Edea defeated, Seifer became the ruler of Galbadia and began following the wishes of Ultimecia himself, still believing she would make his dreams come true. Seifer went and dug up Lunatic Pandora to get Adel to the surface. He then captured Ellone for Ultimecia and attempted to unite the two Sorceress', Adel and Rinoa. Along the way Seifer lost his only friends, Raijin and Fujin, in his quest for his dreams.*

*Edea Kramer*
*Game: FF8*
*Who?: In the past Edea was known as Matron and she presided over an orphanage on the Centra continent where Squall, Seifer, Zell, Selphie, Quistis and Irvine all spent their childhood. Together with her husband Cid, Edea dreamed up the idea of Garden where SeeD's would be trained to fight the Sorceress. Edea had always been a Sorceress, but she made the mistake of inheriting the powers of Ultimecia, a Sorceress from the future. Ultimecia eventually possessed Edea and made her carry out her evil plans. With Seifer on her side, Edea killed President Deling and began to rule Galbadia. She searched the world for Ellone, using Galbadia Garden as her base. Once Ultimecia's conscience was driven from her, Edea accidentally passed her powers into Rinoa. She then went to Esthar in search of Dr. Odine, whom she believed could help her from becoming possessed by Ultimecia ever again.*

*Game: FF8*
*Who?: An evil Sorceress from the future who wants to create time compression and a world where only she will exist. Ultimecia possessed Edea and had her carry out her plans. When Edea gave away her powers, Ultimecia possessed Rinoa to free Adel before possessing Adel herself. Ultimecia keeps a firm hand on Seifer Almasy, the leader of Galbadia, and has him carry out her wishes with promising that his dreams will come true.*

*Cid Kramer*
*Game: FF8*
*Who?: Edea's husband who helped her think up the idea of Garden. Cid is the head of Balamb Garden, and hs passed alone the order to kill edea, even though it meant losing his wife if they were successful. Cid  allowed a Shumi named NORG to put up the money for Garden, but later regretted it when NORG wanted to take over.*

*Game: FF8*
*Who?: When Ellone was small Esthar soldiers went on a search for girls to serve as Adel's successor. Ellone's parents were killed and she went to live with Raine, who lived next door. There she met Laguna, a man whom Raine nursed back to health. Ellone had a power to send people's conscience back in time. Esthar began it's search again, and Ellone was captured and taken to Esthar. There, Doctor Odine studied her talent and made a machine of it. Laguna rescued Ellone and sent her back to Raine, but Raine died leaving behind a new born baby (who I believe is Squall). Both Ellone and the baby were sent to an orphanage, but it became unsafe there, and Ellone went to hid on a ship of white SeeD's for the next 10 years she remained hidden there. Ellone later went to Balamb Garden to hide from Edea, who was out for her power, but she eventually ended up back on the ship. Ellone found her way back to Esthar, where she stayed with Laguna. However, she was captured by Seifer to be used by Ultimecia. Squall and his gang rescued her, and she sent them into the future to defeat Ultimecia for good.*

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