Who's That Again...??

Sure they're there, but....where? And what did they do again? Here are the MINOR characters.

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: "Barret's" daughter. Actually she's the daughter of Dyne and his wife Elenor. Marlene survived the fire that killed most of the people of North Corel.*
*Where?: You see Marlene at the beginning of the game when you're in Midgar. She stays at Aeris' "mom's" house when you leave the city. Barret talks about her a lot.*
**See Barret, Dyne**

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: Cloud's friend and Aeris' first boyfriend. He was the *real* one with Sephiroth at Nibelheim and the *real* SOLDIER first class. When Zack was badly injured trying to stop Sephiroth, he told Cloud to kill Sephiroth. Later, while Zack and Cloud were being held in tubes of Mako, Zack saved Cloud and brought him to Midgar, but was killed by Shinra troops.*
*From?: Zack's from Gongaga*
*Where?: You see Zack in the flashbacks at the Crater and when Cloud's "finding himself* in the Lifestream. Also he's in the bonus cinema in the Nibelheim mansion afterwards.*
**See Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, Aeris**

*Professor Gast*
*Game: FF7*
*Who: Head of the Jenova Project that was reponsible for Sephiroth's coming about. Gast used to woman ancient named Infalna in his experiments until he decided it was wrong and escaped with her to Icicle Inn. There Gast found out the truth about Jenova. He is also Aeris' father. Professor Gast worked for Shinra, but was ultimarely killed by his subordinate, Hojo, at Icicle Inn where he lived with his then wife Infalna.*
*Where? You can see the Professor at the videos left behind in Icicle Inn. He's also mentioned several times.*
**See Infalna, Sephiroth, Hojo**

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: The last ancient (before Aeris), Infalna was used in experiments by the Shinra who were trying to fain information on the Cetra. At Icicle Inn she told Professor Gast the truth about Jenova on video. She married the Professor, and they had Aeris. Infalna was then captured by the Shinra again when her husband was killed, but she managed to escape with her daughter. Before she died at the Sector 5 station, Infalna handed her daughter over to a lonely woman, who's husband was away at war.*
*Where? Infalna can bee seen on the Icicle Inn tapes alone with Professor Gast. She is also mentioned by Aeris and Hojo on several occasions.*
**See Professor Gast, Aeris' "Mom", Hojo, Aeris**

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: Shera's a technician who worked on the space shuttle that Cid was supposed to pilot. On launch day Cid was forced to abort the mission to save her life as she tried to repair a faulty oxygen tank. Afterwards she hung around in Cid's house while he ordered her around. Later when Cid finally goes into space, she finally gains his respect---thanks to a faulty oxygen tank.*
*Where? Shera can be seen at Cid's house in Rocket Town when you first go there (make the tea, woman!) You can watch Cid curse a blue streak at her. Also, you'll see Shera again when you actually go up in the shuttle.*
**See Cid**

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: The owner of Gold Saucer. Dio is the one who has the Keystone to the Ancient Temple.*
*Where?: You'll see Dio when you visit Gold Saucer. He'll throw you in jail the first time and challenge you to the battle arena for the keystone the second time.*

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: Barret's friend from Corel who was against building a Mako reactor in the town. Dyne was seriously injured by Scarlet and the Shinra troops when Shinra burned the town, believing a terrorist had caused damaged to the reactor. Barret believed he was dead. Dyne has a gun arm, like Barret. He resides in the desert prison under Gold Saucer when he confronts Barret, vowing to kill him. Dyne is unhappy with himself, and misses his wife, Elenor, so he kills himself. Dyne was Marlene's real father.*
*Where?: You'll hear about Dyne at Noth Corel and meet up with him at the prison.*
**See Marlene, Barret**

*Biggs, Wedge and Jessie*
*Game: FF7*
*Who?: Barret's fellow AVALANCHE members. Jessie's into the technical stuff, and Biggs has some problems with Barret, but they work with Cloud, Tife and Barret blowing up the reactors. Unfortunatly they die when the Sector 7 plate collapses.*
*Where?: Biggs, Wedge and Jessie are with you at the beginning of the game until the plate collapses. Afterwards, Barret will occasinally mention them.*
**See Barret**

*Don Corneo*
*Game: FF7*
*Who?: The Don is the owner of the Honeybee Inn a ::ahem. cough cough:: located in Wall Market. He also does some work for the Shinra on the side. In fact the Shinra hired him to find out AVALANCHE's hideout. He's the one responsible for giving the Shinra the info the led them to destroy all of Sector 7. However, he spilled the beans on what the Shinra were planning to do to Cloud, which makes Shinra angry. After the Don Corneo kidnaps Elena and Yuffie, Cloud's group and the Turks work together to get rid of him. In the end, Rude kills Corneo.*
*Where?: You can find the Don in his house your first visit to Wall Market and also at Wutai, if you go at the right time.*

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: Lucretia was a scientist for Shinra was back in the old days. Along with Hojo and Gast, she worked on the Jenova project. Although Vincent Valentine was in love with her and even proposed to her, Lucretia was in love with Hojo (can someone see *why*? Look at Vincent. Now look at Hojo. I don't get it.) and he convinced her that they had to have a kid to test the new branch of inserting jenova cells into a person, Yup, she Sephiroth's mommy.*
*Where?: You can see Lucretia at her cave after you get the submarine or a colored Chocobo.*
**See Hojo, Sephiroth, Vincent**

*Aeris' "Mom"*
*Game: FF7*
*Who?: The woman who took Aeris in after Infalna died. Her husband was away at the war in Wutai where he never returned from. She went to the train station every day to see if he would come home, which is how she ran into the dying Infalna and agreed to care for Aeris.*
*Where?: You can say hi to Aeris' adoptive mother when you first take Aeris home and again when you visit Marlene at Aeris' house.*
**See Infalna, Aeris**

*Game: FF8*
*Who?: An instructor at Balamb Garden, Xu works closely with Headmaster Cid and is one of his most trusted friends.*
*Where?: You can see Xu several times throughout the game. She's the one who explains your SeeD test mission at the beginning of the game. Also you'll have to hunt her down for Cid's wherabouts when the Garden Master wrecks havoc. Also she's pretty much stationary on the bridge when the Garden becomes mobile.*

*Game: FF8*
*Who?: Gag me! This wimpy brat thinks he's gonna be head of Garden someday. Riiiggghhhttt. Anyway, he's a SeeD who graduated with Squall and the gang. His big claim to fame is being able to pilot the Garden.*
*Where?: You can see Nida (like you'd want to) right after you become a SeeD. Then you'll meet up with him again during the Garden Master fiasco. Finally, since he's the one the FH technicians taught to pilot the Garden, you're gonna have to talk to him everytime you wanna go somewhere. Thank goodness for the Ragnarok.*

*Game: FF8*
*Who?: The stuck up headmaster of Galbadia Garden until Edea kicks him out. He's the one who gives you the "orders" to assassinate Edea. After he's been banished from Galbadia Garden, you'll find him wallowing in self-pity at Fisherman's horizon. Well, you'd be upset too if you were stuck there.*
*Where?: You'll meet Martine when you take refuge at Galbadia Garden, (hey, you had no choice. It was Garbage Garden or the woods. Plus, how would you meet Irvine if you didn't go there?) and later on you can listen to him complain at FH.*

*General Caraway*
*Game: FF8*
*Who?: As the name implies, Caraway is a General for Galbadia. He married Julia, a piano player/singer, after her love never returned from war. Together they had Rinoa, but father and daughter grew to not get alone, especially since Rinoa became a member of a resistence group. He's the one who walks you through your assassination of the Sorceress and who also locks you in his mansion. Whoops!*
*Where?: You'll meet up the the General when you go to Deling City to shoot Edea. You can always go back and visit him later.*
**See Julia, Rinoa**

*Game: FF8*
*Who?: A piano player at the hotel in Deling City, Julia was the object of many men's affections. She had a thing for a Galbadian soldier named Laguna, who inspired her to write a song she later recorded called "Eyes On Me". When Laguna never returned from war, she sought comfort in General Caraway. They married and had a daughter, Rinoa.*
*Where?: You can see Julia during your first trip to Laguna land at the hotel in Deling City. Later, when Laguna is talking to Kiros in Winhill they talk about what became of her.*
**See General Caraway, Rinoa, Laguna**

*Ma Dincht*
*Game: FF8*
*Who?: Zell's adoptive mother, who lives in Balamb.*
*Where?: You can visit Zell's mom whenever you're in Balamb.*
**See Zell**

*Game: FF8*
*Who?: The man in charge of the lunar base which watches over Adel's tomb.*
*Where?: You'll meet him when you go up to the lunar base to find Ellone. You can also see him again later, if you stumble across the crashed escape pod.*

*Dr. Kadowski*
*Game: FF8*
*Who?: Dr. K is the overseer of the Balamb Garden infirmary.*
*Where?: You can find the good doctor in the Balamb Garden infirmary when you're in Garden.*

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