This FAQ is for me and page, not for questions about the games. If you want that FAQ, go here. Have a question about me or the site? Ask! So, do you want to know about the page, about the rambles, or about me?

Questions About The Page

Q. Why don't you have an image gallery?

Lark: Cause I'm too damn lazy to make one. Seriously though, I don't have enough pictures to make one. Plus, there are already a ton out there.

Q. Why does it take you so long to post your stories?

Lark: Because I write it on paper first for the most part. I'm not big on writing on the computer, so most of the time I'll write it on paper and first, and then I'll have to type it up. That's why it takes so long. I type the rambles straight on the computer for the most part though, which is why they come out fast.

Q. Why is Sephiroth the only FF character that runs around on the page?

Lark: Well, if you read the rambles, you know Sephiroth doesn't get along with the other characters. I don't want them fighting everywhere, so I keep the others in the ramble room, the letters area, and the quotes area for the most part.

Q. If you love Gundam Wing so much, why don't you just make a website for it?

Sephiroth:  Because I will kill her.

Lark: No, that's not why. It's because really, there's nothing I could do for Gundam Wing that hasn't been done better everywhere else! Not that there isn't a slew of wonderful Final Fantasy sites out there, but there's a whole lot more available on Final Fantasy, plus it's an ever growing empire. That's why I've made a site dedicated to it. I do kind of have a Gundam Wing site. I have a character shrine to Treize Kushrenada, my favorite character on Gundam Wing.

Q. You update pretty often. Do you have a life?

Sephiroth: No.

Lark: Sephiroth!...Actually, no! Not really! I enjoy working on the site, so I try to update it as often as I can. I hate when people don't update their sites enough. Outdated info is the pits.

Q. Are you gonna cover FF9 ?

Lark: Yeah, I'll have some stuff on it. It's a great game! I love it!

Q. If you write Gundam Wing stories, why aren't they on the site?

Sephiroth: Cause this is a Final Fantasy site!

Lark: Thank you, Sephiroth...although that was a little curt.

Sephiroth: *shrugs* Eh.

Q. Can I send you fan art?

Lark: No. I don't have a section for it. However, if you consider yourself a good artist and you have your stuff up on your web site, let me know! I love to look at fan art!

Q. Do you have an html code to use as a link?

Lark: A what what? No, I know what you're talking about, but the answer is no because I don't use html at all. I use the netscape composer, so I don't need it.

Q. How do you make those banners?

Lark: Adobe Photoshop 3.0. Sometimes I have to use the MS paint program first to assemble the pictures, but all the wording is done with the Photoshop. It's my savior!

Q. Are you aware Hojo, Scarlet, Heidegger and Nida have a page on your site?

Lark: Of course! How dense do you think I am? They're site sucks though. They're too busy squabbling all the time to do anything productive.

Q. Why did you change the name of the page?

Lark: Cause Final Fantasy Headquarters was such a boring name. So I spent about twenty minutes of my life trying to think of a new name. I figured, hell, I'm a final fantasy freak. That's what I should call it! Plus, I wanted to give it a name that embraced all Final Fantasy games. Don't want to leave everyone out.

Q. Can I take things from your site?

Lark: You can find the answer to that one here.

Questions About The Rambles

Q. Can I send you rambles I write? Will you put them up?

Lark: I'd love to read it, but I'll put it up in the parodies section. I only put up rambles that I write in the ramble section.

Sephiroth: She's a tight fisted bitch.

Lark: Hey!

Q. Can I send you an idea for a ramble?

Lark: Sure! But I can't guarantee that I'll use it.

Q. Can I be in a ramble?

Lark: No. I have to know a person pretty damn well to put them in a ramble. Sorry.

Q. Why do you make fun of Laguna so much?

Sephiroth: Because he's a moron.

Lark: No! That's not why! I love Laguna, that's why ^_^ I love all the FF characters in the rambles, except Hojo, Scarlet, Nida and Heidegger.

Q. Why does it take you so long to write a ramble?

Lark: Well, I write some faster than others. The main reasons are that a) I'm lazy, b) I'm out of ideas for awhile or c) I'm working on other stuff.

Q. Do you know Sephiroth has a crush on you?

Lark: *laughs* He does not!

Sephiroth: *sweat drops* 'Course not!

Q. Where did ass lancing come from?

Lark: Jackie. She reads Johnny the Homocidal Maniac comics, and that's where she found the word. Then she just started using it over and over and over again, and so she spread it to everyone. Now we all use it.

Questions For Me

Q. What games do you have on Playstation besides Final Fantasy games?

Lark: Uh...not much. I have Toy Story 2, which I beat. That's a really fun game. I also have Crash Bandicoot Warped, and I'm at the last guy, but I have *no* idea how to beat him! (If anyone could tell me I would be most grateful!) I also have Ehrgeiz, which is *kind* of like FF, cause it has FF7 characters in it, but not really. I'm not one for fighting games, but it's great game. (Tifa kicks ass!!) I also have the RPG maker, The Legend of Dragoon and Chrono Cross. Other than that, the only other games I have are FF9, FF8, FF7, and The FF Anthology.

Q. What other video game systems have you played?

Lark: Over the years I have owned an Atari (Pac-man rules! Sadly, it was thrown out), Nintendo (I still play it sometimes, my grandma has it at her house), and right now I have a Super Nintendo, which I rarely play, a Nintendo 64 (can you tell I like Nintendo? Actually, I only bought the N64 for Donkey Kong 64, cause I'm a DK freak. I've beaten the game though, and have no other games for the system, so I don't play it much. I'm hoping to get Kirby 64 though! I love Kirby!) and, of course, the Playstation, which is the only system that isn't mine!! Ha ha! Funny, huh? It's my sister's! She got it for Christmas, but I'm the only who plays it. And I play it a lot.

Q. Why did you pick Lark for your nickname?

Lark: Who says it's not my real name?

Sephiroth: You did.

Lark: Oh yeah....seriously though, I picked it cause it's the name of alter ego, and it's also my favorite girl's name. Oh yeah, and don't bother asking me about my alter ego. I won't tell you a thing. She's a screwed up girl ^_^

Q. Can I IM you? Do you have ICQ?

Lark: Sure you can! My AOL instant messenger name is, obviously, Larkdm2328. I don't have ICQ any more....and I never used it anyway. I also have AIM, *not* an aol screen name that I use more often, and that is LarkRaven. I also have Animemankeeper still, but I don't use it as much. I'm hardly on AOL anymore, so you're better off trying to reach me here. I also have yahoo messenger, and my screen name is Shinra_girl23

Sephiroth: *laughs* You wish!

Lark: *cracks whip* You wanna mess with me?

Sephiroth: *gulp* No.

Q. What is Yaoi?

Lark: For those of you who *still* don't know, it's malexmale relationships. Yes, in case you're wondering, it's making video game guys/anime guys gay. It's quite popular with both FF fans and GW fans alike. And yes, I'm a fan myself in some situations, where I can see the relationship happening. Nuff said.

Q. When's Gundam Wing on? I wanna watch it!

Lark: They took it off Cartoon Network. *pouts* You can buy the tapes though.

Q. Are you a big anime fan?

Lark: Not yet. I just started becoming interested in anime. I haven't seen much of it. Right now I watch Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Fushigi Yugi, and Fake on video, of course.

Q. Are you madly in love with Sephiroth or something?

Lark: *blind folds Sephiroth*! It may seem like I am, but I'm really not. I do like him a whole lot, and I do find him very fascinating, but I don't "love" him like I love Irvine or Rufus. I feel really bad for Sephiroth too, but don't tell him I said that!" *takes off the blind fold*

Sephiroth: What did you say about me?

Lark: *smiles* Nothing...

Q. What have you got against Nida? Who is that anyway? And what do you have against Heidegger and Scarlet?

Lark: Grrr....Nida is a moron! But to answer that question, Nida is a character in FF8. He is the other person who becomes a SeeD with Zell, Squall and Selphie. (He's the one Headmaster Cid tells to "do your best, even though you don't stand out.") Afterwards, if you talk to Nida in the hallway he'll say something like "All those years of suffering paid off...someday I'll take over this Garden." How about that for scary?! But you probably know Nida best as they guy that drives the Garden. Anyway, I hate him because of that "I'll take over the Garden" and general "I'm better than Squall" attitude. Also, I hate him because if you give too many orders when Galbadia Garden attacks, he'll scold Squall! Excuse me, but who's in charge here! While I'm talking about Nida, here's my stupid joke (well, it's not really a joke...) about him:
Nida: "Are we ready to go?"
Squall: "No." *throws nida over the edge*
Nida: *falls towards the ocean* "AHHHHH!" *splash*
Squall: "Now we are."
Thank you, thank you.
As for Heidegger and Scarlet *twitch* I hate Heidegger because he's just a moron and he's really annoying. And I hate Scarlet because she's a bitchy slut and she tries to kill Tifa! The only part in the game where I like Cait Sith is when he knocks her unconcious. At that moment he was my hero. It didn't last long though. Then he started talking again...

Q. Why don't you like Cait Sith?

Lark: He is soooooooooooo annoying!!! And besides that, he's not a very good fighter. Gives me something to make fun of. I don't like to remember Reeve's controlling him, cause I love Reeve.

Q. Can I IM Sephiroth?

Lark: No! For the love of the planet NO.

Sephiroth: Why not?!

Lark: No. He's almost never online anyway.

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