The Second Banana
Secondary Characters

*President Shinra*
*Game: FF7*
*Who?: The President of Shinra Inc at the beginning of the game, and AVALANCHE's worst enemy. He's mean, even if he does look kinda like Santa Claus (only in the game, not in this pic). The company he runs sucks the Mako out of the planet with it's many reactors scattered across the planet. This substance is then used as an energy source. Nearly every town on the planet has one of these reactors.
President Shinra has a son named Rufus, who is Vice President of the company. Fortunately, this nasty guy is killed by Sephiroth at the beginning of the game, leaving his son as President.*
**See Rufus**

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: Reeve is head of city development at Shinra and he sticks out there like a sore thumb. Why? Cause he's actually a pretty decent guy. Reeve is responsible for building Midgar (hope he leaves that one off his resume) and  he's the one controlling Cait Sith. Oh, and as an added bonus, Reeve is kinda cute.*

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: Palmer is the most useless member of the Shinra bunch. He's head of the Shinra space program, which is pretty much defunct. Palmer spends most of his time just sitting around doing nothing, and it's pretty apparent.*

*Game: FF7*
*Who?: Bugenhagen is Red's grandfather (though not by blood, since he's obviously not a cat/tiger/dog creature.) Bugenhagen is as in tune with the planet as he could get without being an Ancient. He has a contraption in his house which can explain everything about life energy and the planet. Bugenhagen is a big wheel at Cosmo Canyon, where he lives, and is highly respected for his wisdom, and his age of 130 years.*
**See Red XIII**

*Game: FF8*
*Who?: NORG is a Shumi from the Shumi village in the North. He is very wealthy, and helped Cid and Edea set up Garden by putting up the money for it. NORG pretty much stays in the background until the Sorceress assassination goes haywire and Galbadia is looking for someone to blame. NORG then wants his Garden back, but loses out.*

*Zone and Watts*
*Game: FF8*
*Who?: Zone and Watts are the leaders of the Forest Owls, an Anti-Galbadia resistance movement that's out to free the city of Timber from Galbadian control. Their father's started the group, but were executed for it in front of an audience which included their children. Vinzer Deling, the President, shot the already dead bodies as a demonstration of his power. Watts is the information gatherer and is very polite, addressing everyone as "sir". Zone often fakes stomach trouble to get out of missions. He's also into "naughty" magazines. Together with Rinoa the group won't give up until Timber is free.*
**See Rinoa**

*Game: FF8*
*Who?: Adel was the ruler of Esthar during the Sorceress War. She was evil, ruthless and strongly disliked. A movement was formed to rid Esthar of her rule forever. Adel was tricked into entering a chamber by Laguna Loire, a slave, and rocketed into space where her powers were sealed. Many years later, Ultimecia used lunatic pandora and the lunar cry to free Adel and possess her for her own benefit.*
**See Laguna**

*Game: FF8*
*Who?: Raine came from a town called Winhill where she owned a bar and cared for a girl named Ellone, who's parents had been killed by Esthar soldiers. When Laguna was badly injured  after his escape from Centra, Raine took him in and nursed him back to health. They fell in love and got married, but Laguna left when Ellone was kidnapped to find her. When Ellone was found, Laguna sent her back to Raine, but Raine was not doing well. She had a baby, who I strongly believe is Squall, and died soon after.*
**See Laguna, Ellone**

*Raijin and Fujin*
*Game: FF8*
*Who?: Raijin and Fujin are students at Balamb Garden and members of the Disciplinary Committee with Seifer Almasy. They're Seifer's only real friends, and consider themselves a posse. Raijin and Fujin follow Seifer as he rises to power and want nothing to do with Garden any longer. However, even Seifer's most loyal followers will only follow him *so* far.*

*Biggs and Wedge*
*Game: FF8*
*Who?: Biggs and Wedge are Galbadian soldiers. Biggs is the officer, while Wedge is a mere foot soldier. Biggs is not overly thrilled with the way the Galbadian military is being run, especially after he is demoted after the Dollet disaster during the SeeD exam. Wedge tends to stick by his commanding officer.*

*Doctor Odine*
*Game: FF8*
*Who?: Doctor Odine is responsible for all the game's suffering. He has worked as a scientist in Esthar since Adel was in charge. He is responsible for the infamous Lunatic Pandora. During the period of Adel's rule, Odine obtained a child named Ellone who had a special time traveling talent. Odine was able to copy it and made a small machine. In the future, an advanced version of this machine brings the evil sorceress Ultimecia back to the "present" to complete her evil plans.*
**See Ultimecia**

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