A Shrine To

Lark: "............"

Sephiroth: "Muha haa haa!! You redid my shrine, woman!""

Lark: "Yeah. Anyway, enjoy the 'wonder that is Sephiroth'. I borrowed some of these images from Sephiroth no oukoku the rest are from Final Fantasy Online. If you are a fan of Sephiroth, I strongly suggest you drop by that first site."

Sephiroth: "And who is *not* a fan, I ask?"

Sephiroth: "Muha haa haa! I am the dark and powerful lord of the planet!"

Lark: "Yeah..."

Sephiroth: "Quiet you!"

Lark: "Sephiroth. You're babbling about your mother. And she's not even your *real* mother!"

Sephiroth: "Silence, woman!"

Lark: "Ooh. Look at that pretty silver hair."

Sephiroth: "Nothing about me is 'pretty', woman! I am fierce and intimidating!"

Lark: "Yeah. Right."

Lark: "Hey, how do you get your hair like that?"

Sephiroth: "Do you mock me?"

Lark: "No. I really want to know!"

Sephiroth: "Hysterical." *rolls eyes*

Lark: "Hey! For once I'm serious!"

Sephiroth: "Right."

Lark: "Geez. Fine. Let's discuss his eyes instead. Everyone look at his eyes. How pretty are those!" *smiles*

Sephiroth: "I'm *not* pretty! I'm manly!"

Lark: "Oh right." *rolls eyes*

Lark: "Wouldn't your hair catch on fire?"

Sephiroth: "No!"

Lark: "Why not? You've got all that long hair and that's a *lot* of fire! Isn't it logical that the ends would get a little burnt at least?"

Sephiroth: "Stop talking about my hair!"

Sephiroth: "Muha haa haa!"

Lark: "You are sooooo mean."

Sephiroth: "You are just realizing this?"

Lark: "This is my favorite Sephiroth picture of all time. He just looks...sad."

Sephiroth: "I was having a bad day."

Lark: "Aw! Poor Sephy!" *hugs sephiroth*

Sephiroth: *looks surprised* "Oh..."

Lark: "Look Sephiroth! It's you and your friends before you lost it."

Sephiroth: "Grrr...."

Lark: "Well are you happy now? Here's your shrine."

Sephiroth: "It is satisfactory."

Lark: "Satisfactory! Hey!!"

Sephiroth: "It would have been better without your comments."

Lark: *stomps out of the room*

Sephiroth: *looks around cautiously* "Where is it?"

Lark: "Where is what?"

Sephiroth: "That picture of me dying you used to have."

Lark: ".......I took it down."

Sephiroth: "?!?!?!?"

Lark: "I chose this instead."

Sephiroth: "But that's.... That's a nice picture."

Lark: "Yeah."

Sephiroth: *blinks* "You... You're being *nice* to me?"

Lark: "Yeah....."

Sephiroth: "...................thank you, Lark."

Lark: *shocked* ".....you're welcome, Sephiroth." *whispers* "And isn't that a really hot picture?"

Sephiroth: "What's that?"

Lark: *innocently* "Nothing...."

Lark: "Okay, yeah, I may be mean to him sometimes, but I really like Sephiroth. Why that's? Here we go:

1. He's a cutie (there ain't no denying it)

2. Oh goodness gracious has he got the coolest lines!! Here are some kick ass Seph quotes:
"....I've always felt since I was small...That I was different from the others. Special, in some way. But... not like this...."
"Only death awaits you all. But do not fear. For it is through death that a new spirit energy is born. Soon, you will live again as a part of me."
"So cold. I am always by your side."
"What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, that is the illusion."

3. He's bad, but he's got good motivation. Sephiroth would have never been bad if it wasn't for Hojo. Hojo is the real villain here. He drove Sephiroth nuts. Sephy-sama just has a troubled past. You shouldn't hate him. How would you feel if you found out your whole existence was a lie? (Ok, so maybe you wouldn't burn a town, but you wouldn't feel good either!!) A villain isn't a good villain if they have no good motivation for doing what they did. Then they're just jerks. (Like Ultimecia from FF8--she was just a moron. She had no motivation for doing what she did.)

Sephiroth: "That is much better. If you actually wish to leave this scared place, click here to go explore the rest of this pitiful site. Beware that I may come after you...."

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