Yeah, cause no one else has this information on their site, right? j/k Anyway, here's the basic crap from the Instruction manuals and/or stategy guides. So, in case you want to celebrate your favorite characters birthday, here's the place to find out when it is. (I've also added my comments after some of them...well...can I *ever* shut up?) Anyway, I only wrote the stuff in blue. The other stuff I copied out of the instruction manuals or the stategy guides, and I take no credit for it.


Cloud Strife

Job: Mercenary (ex-member of SOLDIER) (right....)
Age: 21
Weapon: Sword
Height: 5'7" (he's taller than me...)
Birth date: August 19th
Birthplace: Nibelheim
Blood Type: AB (why do they tell us this?!)

The main character in Final Fantasy VII. Originally a member of SOLDIER, he is now a mercenary who will take any job. After being hired by AVALANCHE, he gradually gets caught up in a massive struggle for the life of the planet. His enormous sword can cut anything in two. (not really...then that would make him Odin.)

Limit Breaks:
Level 1: Braver, Cross-Slash
Level 2: Blade Beam, Climhazzard
Level 3: Meteorain, Finishing Touch
Level 4: Omnislash

At age 21, Cloud Strife leads the life of a mercenary for hire. As an ex-member of Shinra's elite squad known as SOLDIER, his fighting skills are in high demand. Cloud joins the rebel group known as AVALANCHE for their first strike against one of Shinra's huge Mako Reactors that surround the city of Midgar.

The story line of Final Fantasy VII revolves around Cloud. In fact, most of the time you're required to have him in your party because he plays a key role in most of the events in the game. Over time Cloud proves to be a great asset, because his powerful sword technique is nearly unmatched. (Damn straight!) You'll want to keep Cloud in your front line most of the time to take full advantage of his sword technique. His magic skills are solid, but don't overload him with materia.

Aeris Gainsborough

Job: Flower Merchant
Age: 22
Weapon: Rod (a crappy one)
Height: 5'3" (shorter than me!)
Birth date: February 7th
Birthplace: Unknown (Icicle Inn...)
Blood Type: O

Young, beautiful and somewhat mysterious (and a complete flirt..), Aeris met Cloud while selling flowers on the streets of Midgar. She decided to join him soon after. Her unusual abilities enable her to use magic, but she seems more interested in the deepening love triangle between herself, Cloud and Tifa. (You can say *that* again.)

Limit Breaks:
Level 1: Healing Wind, Seal Evil
Level 2: Breath of the Earth, Fury Brand
Level 3: Planet Protector, Pulse of Life
Level 4: Great Gospel (if anyone actually gets this one...I bow down to you!)

A beautiful 22-year-old, Aeris is a bright spot in the middle of a dark and dreary town. While selling flowers near AVALANCHE's first target,  Aeris' life was forever altered after a chance meeting with Cloud (the handsome and wonderful. Well, she thinks so...) Because of her mysterious background she must fight against those would enslave her and destroy what she holds most dear.

Aeris is the closest character Final Fantasy VII has to a dedicated magic user. Her physical attacks are fairly weak, (oh yeah.) but she possesses a great skill with Materia and its various forms. Due to this odd balance, you should put her in your back line and load her down with Materia. Let Aeris devote her energies to spell casting while her teammates concentrate on inflicting physical damage. This also takes advantage of her defensive-based limit breaks.

Tifa Lockheart

Job: Bar hostess, AVALANCHE member
Age: 20 (hey...she's not even allowed to legally drink and she owns a bar? guess things are different there..)
Weapon: Glove
Height: 5'4" (shorter than me!)
Birth date: May 3rd
Birthplace: Nibelheim
Blood Type: B

Bright and optimistic, Tifa always cheers up the others when they're down. But don't let her looks fool you, she can decimate almost any enemy with her fists. She is one of the main member of AVALANCHE (yeah, out of the 5 of them...). She and Cloud were childhood friends, (right...) and although she has feelings for him, she would never admit it. (I wish she would!)

Limit Breaks:
Level 1: Beat Rush, Somersault
Level 2: Waterkick, Meteodrive
Level 3: Dolphin Blow, Meteor Strike
Level 4: Final Heaven

Tifa and Cloud were childhood friends, but parted ways when Cloud left his hometown of Nibelheim to join SOLDIER. When her parents died, Tifa also left Nibelheim and headed for Midgar (that's what happened...). Soon after opening her bar, Tifa's Seventh Heaven, she met Barret and joined the ragtag group of rebels known as AVALANCHE. It's her goal to make sure Cloud remains with AVALANCHE after his first mission with the team.

When fighting, Tifa lets her fists do the talking. Her attacks are generally weaker than Cloud's and Barret's, but from early on her chain of limit breaks is by far the best thing going. Instead of selecting a single limit break, each new attack adds to the chain for a total of seven devastating hits. If she can score "yeah" on the twirling slots, she causes extra damage. If she stops on "miss", she misses with that part of the combo (I hate that...). Tifa should always be a front line fighter, but may have trouble contributing during some boss fights.

Barret Wallace

Job: Leader of AVALANCHE
Age: 35
Weapon: Gun-arm
Height: 6'4" (way taller than me)
Birth date: December 15th
Birthplace: Corel Village
Blood Type: O

Head of the underground resistance movement, AVALANCHE, Barret is fighting the mega-conglomerate Shinra Inc, which has monopolized Mako energy by building special reactors to suck it out of the planet. Barret depends on brute strength and his "gun-arm" to see him through. His wife died in an accident several years ago (that was no accident...) and he now lives with his daughter Marlene (who's not really his).

Limit Breaks:

Level 1: Big Shot, Mindblow
Level 2: Grenade Bomb, Hammerblow
Level 3: Satellite Beam, Ungarmax
Level 4: Catastrophe

Barret is the 35-year-old leader of the rebel team known as AVALANCHE. He leads the team in the guest to stop Shinra's Mako Reactors and save the life of the planet. Although he is truly devoted to the team, Barret often regrets having to leave his young daughter, Marlene, alone or in the care of others. Barret's motives are unclear, but most believe that Shinra was somehow responsible for the death of his wife. (well then they're smart people.)

Although he may not look it, Barret is one of the most versatile characters in the game. Unlike most, he has weapons for close-- and long-- range combat, which enables him to perform well in either rank. You'll want to keep Barret in the back rank most of the time. This enables him to cause heavy damage without taking an equal amount in return. Avoid loading Barret up with materia that reduces his hit points and strength. You may want to use him as a damage magnet later, and if so he'll need to be as strong as possible. (poor Barret! Here you go, Barret, you're in my party, but I'm just going to use you to distract the enemy!)


Job: Beast (that's what I want to be when I grow up!)
Age: 48
Weapon: Headdress
Height: 3'9" (um...obviously shorter than me)
Birth date: Unknown
Birthplace: Cosmo Canyon
Blood Type: Unknown (yeah, if I need a transfusion, I wouldn't go to Red anyway.)

Just as his name implies, he is an animal with fire-red fur. But under his fierce exterior is an intelligence surpassing that of any human's. His sharp claws and fangs make him good at close range fighting, but other than that, not much is known about him. It's not even certain that "Red XIII" is his real name. (It's Nanaki!) A real enigma.

Limit Breaks:
Level 1: Sled Fang, Lunatic High
Level 2: Blood Fang, Stardust Ray
Level 3: Howling Moon, Earth Rave
Level 4: Cosmo Memory

Although his firey red fur may look him look like a wild animal, Red XIII's intellect is well above that of most humans. (Geez! We know! Stop rubbing it in!) Not much is known about Red XIII's origin. He's currently being held captive in Shinra's headquarters where he's forced to participate in their twisted experiments. (I resent the word "their" in that sentence. It should be "Hojo's".)

Red XIII is strong at both physical and magical combat. His sharp teeth and claws work well with his close-range fighting style, however, this limits his combat options and forces him to take a spot in the front line. There is  long range weapon for Red XIII, but it lacks Materia slots and forces him to act as a fighter. Red XIII makes a solid magic user when loaded down with Materia, but performs best with a more balanced approach. It's best to always take advantage of his physical strength as his startling intellect. (Okay, we *know* he's smart!)

Cid Highwind

Job: Pilot
Age: 32
Weapon: Spear
Height: 5'8" (taller than me...)
Birth date: February 22nd
Birthplace: Unknown
Blood Type: B

Cid is a tough talking, warm hearted old pilot who hasn't forgotten his dreams. (He's not that old...but for a FF game he's ancient.) There's no better pilot by air of sea. He believes someday he'll fly to the ends of the universe. With his handmade spear and knowledge of machinery, he throws himself into any attack regardless of the danger.

Limit Breaks:
Level 1: Boost Jump, Dynamite
Level 2: Hyper Jump, Dragon
Level: 3: Dragon Dive, Big Brawl
Level 4: Highwind

Cid is an expert pilot and mechanic who dreams of one day becoming the first man in space. His dream would have been fulfilled, but he aborted a launch in order to save the life of one of his crew. Now he spends his time trying to repair his inoperable rocket in the hopes that Shinra may one day reinstate its space program, giving him another chance at fulfilling his dream. (Palmer's with ya, buddy!)

With his lance in hand, Cid is always prepared for battle. His fighting skills are top-notch and come in handy throughout most of the game. (Cid rocks!) His limit breaks are very helpful when fighting the evil hordes that threaten to consume the land. (hehehe..that sounds so lame.) You'll notice that they all cause direct damage rather than affecting status or healing the party. Cid's statistics are pretty average all the way around, which can help or hinder his performance depending on how he is equipped.

(well that's who was next!)

Sephiroth: "Can I help?"

Lark: "Sure. Why not?"

Job: Top ranking SOLDIER officer

Sephiroth: "I rock."

Lark: "Yup."

Age: Unknown

Sephiroth: *whistles*

Lark: "I say that he's in his late 30's."

Weapon: Long sword

Sephiroth: "It's called the *masamune*!"

Birth date: Unknown

Lark: "Aw! You don't know your birth date, honey?"

Sephiroth: *sighs sadly* "No..."

Lark: "Well you can share *my* birthday then. April 18th, okay?"

Sephiroth: "Okay!"

Birthplace: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown

Sephiroth: "They don't know anything about me!"

Even amongst the elite troops of SOLDIER, Sephiroth is known to be the best.

Sephiroth: "Oh yeah, baby."

His past is locked away in a confidential file held by Shinra Inc.

Sephiroth: *shudders*

Lark: "That sounds really creepy."

His giant sword, which only he can handle, has extremely destructive power.

Sephiroth: "I rock."

Said to have disappeared in a battle years ago, his current whereabouts are unknown.

Sephiroth: "I know! Can I tell them?"

Lark: "No. I'm the only one who can spoil the story."

Sephiroth: *mumbles* "Not fair..."

Yuffie Kisaragi

Job: Materia hunter, Ninja (thief)
Age: 16
Weapon: Knife, boomerang, origami (for throwing)
Height: 5'2" (shorter than me...why do they make the girls so short?!)
Birth date: November 20th
Birthplace: Wutai
Blood Type: A

Although you'd never know it by looking at her, Yuffie comes from a long line of Ninja. She forced herself into the group just to get a "certain something". She's sneaky, arrogant and "way" selfish. But with her super shuriken and her special skills, there isn't anyone else you'd rather have on your side in a fight. (they make her sound like a super hero!)

Limit Breaks:
Level 1: Greased Lightning, Clear Tranquil
Level 2: Landscaper, Bloodfest
Level 3: Gauntlet, Doom of the Living
Level 4: All Creation

This 16-year-old Ninja spent most of her time preying on helpless travelers until she met up with Cloud's party. Although she is reluctant to join AVALANCHE, her ulterior motives give her reason to tag along, if only temporarily. (well she's no Shadow from FF6. I wanted to smack that boy for leaving!) Her clever wit and Ninja skills coupled with her selfish ways will either make her a powerful ally or a serious pain in the neck. (hehehe...funny stuff.)

Yuffie isn't one of the strongest team members, but her limit breaks are powerful. Her weapons enable her to attack from a distance without penalty. Keep her in the back rank and outfit her with plenty of materia. Although this tactic will lower her hit points, her position in the back rank should keep her safe.

Cait Sith

Job: Toysaurus (oh come on! That's not a job!)
Age: Unknown (he's not *real*!)
Height: 3'2" (better to step on, my dear)
Birth date: Unknown (he's not REAL!)
Birthplace: Unknown. (HE'S NOT REAL!)
Blood Type: Unknown (I'd say polyester.)

Cait Sith rides around on the back of a huge stuffed Mog he magically brought to life. (that sounds completely and totally normal.) Megaphone in hand (he annoys the hell out of everyone in earshot...well..he does...) he's always shouting orders and creating dopey attacks. When his slot machine attack works, the enemy lines look like an overturned toy box. (oh please) His hobby is fortune telling, but  like his personality, it's pretty unreliable. (and annoying as hell)

Limit Breaks:
Level 1: Dice
Level 2: Slots

Although Cait Sith's fortune telling ability may not impress you, his fighting skills are a sight to be witnessed. (yes, it makes me ill.) The party first bumps into this joker while wandering around the Gold Saucer. Cait Sith eagerly joins the group to see if his predictions prove to be true. (and do a little spying on the side)

Cait Sith isn't much of a fighter (you can say that again), but his Mob relies on close-range physical attacks. His true strength lies in his various limit breaks. (he has no strength outside of annoying people!) You'll notice he has only two: Dice and Slots. Dice grows with power over time and can prove useful even late in the game. Slots is actually seven separate limit breaks. The outcome depends on the combination created when all three slots are stopped. Although these limit breaks may seem unpredictable, they can cause serious damage even at the lowest levels. Cait Sith's stuffed body can take quite a bit of damage, so keep his hulk up front unless you decide to lead him up with Materia. (or keep him out of your party all together.)

Vincent Valentine

Job: Unemployed (formerly of the Turks)
Age: 27 (ahhahahahahahahahahahaha! Yeah, he *looks* like he is. Vincent probably in his 60's)
Weapon: Gun
Height: 6' (taller than me...)
Birth date: October 13th
Birthplace: Unknown
Blood Type: A

A mystical man, stern and upright while at the same time dark and mysterious. His past connection with Shinra Inc. is what made him join Cloud and the others. He may seem frail at first glance, but hidden inside his body lurks a fearsome power. (yup, it's called a limit break)

Limit Breaks:
Level 1: Galian Beast
Level 2: Death Gigas
Level 3: Hellmasker
Level 4: Chaos

Talk about a dark presence, Vincent sends chills down the toughest person's spine. (aw, no! he's not scary!) Although he may look evil at first, (he does *not*!) there's a good soul trapped beneath his dark exterior. Vincent's plight is yet another example of Shinra's warped experimentations; however, there's more to this story than just bungled scientific research. (seven words: Hojo is the spawn of the devil)

Vincent is a strong fight, much like Barret. (Vincent rocks!) He's also quite competent with Materia and makes good use of it from the back row. His limit attacks are powerful, but sometimes unpredictable. Once he transforms, you'll no longer be able to control Vincent. Make sure you're familiar with your enemy's strengths and weaknesses before Vincent transforms or you may end up helping your enemy more than hurting them.


Squall Leonhart

The taciturn and reluctant hero

Age: 17
Height: 5'8" (taller than me...)
Date of Birth: August 23rd
Blood Type: AB
Weapon: Gunblade

A cadet in SeeD, the special combat unit of the Balamb Garden Military Academy. His aloof and anti-social behavior makes him appear selfish and lacking a sense of team unity (poor squall). Squall dislikes having others involved in his affairs, and is best described as a lone wolf. (I thought that was Irvine...)

Limit Break: Renzokuken
Ending Moves: Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone, Lion Heart (*sob* I never got Lion Heart!)

Squall uses a sword called a Gunblade. This rare weapon takes many years to master and is therefore rarely used. Currently, there is only on other Gunblade user in Balamb Garden--Seifer Almasy. (yeah, too bad he sucks at it.) With the Gunblade, Squall can unleash his special skill, Renzokuken, a deadly series of punishing attacks sometimes followed by a powerful ending move. In the eyes of others, Squall is seen as a silent, cold person. Having this perceived image is fine by him. (hehe ^_^)

Laguna Loire

A passionate man whose pen is truly mightier than the sword

Age: 27 (in the flashbacks...)
Height: 5'9" (taller than me...)
Date of Birth: January 3rd
Blood Type: B
Weapon: Machine Gun

An ex-soldier turned journalist, Laguna is a strong willed man with amazing energy. His compassion for the unfortunate drives him to help the weak and bring down their oppressors. Using his writing as a mighty instrument of justice, he stands strong against the evils of the world. (you *go* Laguna!)

Limit Break: Desperado

Laguna is an energetic man with a big heart. Although a bit of a klutz, (you can say that again!) he's a strong leader who inspires a great deal of loyalty and respect from those around him. His weapon of choice is a machine gun, which can fire multiple shots at enemies posing a threat to his party members. Although he dreams of someday starting a writing career, he's currently serving in the Galbadian Army.

Seifer Almasy

Squall's rival who causes havoc within Garden (despite the fact he's on the *disaplinary* committee...)

Age: 18
Height: 6'2" (*sigh* still taller...)
Date of Birth: December 22nd
Weapon: Gunblade

A candidate for SeeD. (he never makes it) Although Seifer is a naturally gifted soldier, (no offense, but he could have fooled me...) his inability to take orders and control his temper has earned him the label of "problematic". Although recognizing and praising Squall's abilities, Seifer regards him as his ultimate rival.

Limit Break: Fire Cross

Seifer has gained a reputation in Balamb Garden as a show-off and a snob. With his friend Fujin (AFFIRMATIVE) and Raijin (ya know?), he acts as the Garden's Disciplinary Committee (isn't is ironic?) Seifer is the only other Gunblade user at Balamb Garden besides Squall. The two have a heated rivalry that leads them both into trouble at times.

Rinoa Heartilly

A beautiful, spirited young woman

Age: 17
Height: 5' 3 1/2" (shorter...)
Date of Birth: March 3rd
Blood Type: Unknown
Weapon: Blaster Edge

A lively individual with the ability to touch people's hearts. Open and honest with her feelings, she speaks her mind without reservation. Driven be her ambitions, she can be difficult at times. (I never found her difficult)

Limit Break: Combine: Angelo and Angel Wing

A member of the Timber resistance group "Forest Owls", Rinoa fights against the Galbadian President, Vinzer Deling, who dictatorship has caused great suffering in her homeland for far too long. (I agree! Boo!) Rinoa is very emotional, and tends to go with her gut when acting. Her best friend is her dog, Angelo, who often rushed into battle to help Rinoa when she's in trouble.

Quistis Trepe

A top-notch member of SeeD who serves as Squall's instructor.

Age: 18
Height: 5' 6" (finally! someone my height!!!!!)
Date of Birth: October 4th
Blood Type: A
Weapon: Chain whip (*wink*)

A SeeD cadet at the age of 15, Quistis now instructs Squall and his companions at Balamb Garden. Contrary to her cool exterior, she occasionally has a difficult time coping with frustration, and as a result can become depressed over trivial matters. (Uh...okay.)

Limit Break: Blue Magic

The whip is Quistis' weapon of choice. But when faced with a dangerous situation, she relies more upon Blue Magic. Quistis is much admired in Balamb Garden, and her admirers have even formed a fan club known as the "Trepies". (and they are a scary, scary bunch.) She's a bit of child prodigy considering she's the youngest instructor at the Garden, however, her actions toward her students sometimes betray her age and undermine her authority, as she lacks the stern demeanor of most Garden staff. (yeah, the garden staff are scary too.)

Selphie Tilmitt

A spunky and spirited woman with a carefree spirit

Age: 17
Height: 5' 1 1/2" (back to shorter...)
Date of Birth: July 16th
Blood Type: B
Weapon: Nunchaku

Selphie seems out of place in a military academy because of her innocent appearance and light-hearted personality. (yeah, she's the most violent out of all of them, and I've got proof!) Her happy-go-lucky disposition and laid-back attitude tend to catch others off guard.

Limit Break: Slot
Unique Spells: Full-cure, Wall, Rapture, The End

Selphie is a recent transfer student to Balamb Garden. She grew up in Trabia Garden, located deep in the mountains on the northern continent. (and boy is it a pain in the ass to find...) Her outgoing personality and sincerity have earned her many friends at Balamb and Gardens. Currently she is busy trying to organize the Garden Celebration between training sessions. (and no one will help her) When fighting, Selphie uses giant Nunchaku and special magic that includes several unique spells.

Zell Dincht

A Garden Cadet with unsurpassed martial arts skills

Age: 17
Height: 5'5" (zell is shorter than me! ^_^)
Date of Birth: March 17th
Blood Type: B
Weapon: Glove

Aspiring to become like his grandfather who was once a soldier, Zell entered Garden at the age of 13. Not being one to think matters through, he is known to act on impulse rather than reasoning. (yeah, that's why he always flips out. but he's really smart!) At heart, however, he is an honest, dedicated young man

Limit Break: Duel
Moves: Punch Rush, Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Dolphin Blow, Meteor Strike, Burning Rave, Meteor Barret, Different Beat, My Final Heaven

Zell, a master of close-combat fighting skills, uses kicks and punches to defeat his enemies. Zell also has a great passion for the hot dogs that are sold in Balamb Garden's cafeteria. (so they claim...they're never *there*...) Never one to cause problems to others, Zell's abundant energy, wild temper and reactionary style sometimes get him into trouble. People in his hometown of Balamb view him as a "comic bookish" type of hero, or a klutzy, poorly behaved person. (well they suck!)

Irvine Kinneas

An expert gunman and consummate lady's man

Age: 17
Height: 6'0" (taller...)
Date of Birth: November 24th
Blood Type: A
Weapon: Gun

Irvine is known as the "Best Shooter in Garden". (that's cause he is) His reputation for cherishing the company of women is almost as well known as his accuracy with a gun. (hehe ^_^) Although he seems to be uncaring and frivolous at first glance, in reality he is sensitive and serious. (Irvine rocks!)

Limit Break: Shot
Types of Ammo: Normal, Shotgun, Dark, Fire, Demolition, Fast, AP, Pulse

Irvine is touted as an expert marksman who can use special ammo to attack enemies. He puts on airs and attempts to convince those around him he's  misunderstood loner, an image he uses to his advantage when courting female students. However, when placed in a pressure situation, he tends to shed his tough exterior and quickly loses his composure. (poor irvine)

Kiros Seagill

Age: 23 (in the flashbacks)
Height: 6' 4" (taller...)
Date of Birth: July 6th
Blood Type: O
Weapon: Katal

Limit Break: Blood Pain

One of Kiros' most distinguishing features are the sharp blades, called Katal, which he wears on both arms. His fighting style is also unique, just like his weapon. He has a very caring personality and a sharp wit. Little is known about Kiros, except that he fights alongside Laguna in Galbadia's Army.

Ward Zabac

Age: 25 (in the flashbacks.)
Height: 7' 0" (way the hell taller)
Date of Birth: February 25th
Blood Type: A
Weapon: Harpoon

Limit Break: Heavy Anchor

Ward is a big, powerful man. (no kidding) He carries with his an unusually heavy weapon, the Harpoon, which he throws at attacking enemies. Just like Kiros, Ward has been assigned to fight alongside Laguna in the Galbadian Army. His devotion to his friends is unwavering.


Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Date of Birth: Yeah, unknown
Blood Type: Don't know that either
Weapon: Doesn't have one

Limit Break: Ice Strike

Very little is known about Edea, other than the fact that she has inherited the Sorceress Power at some point in her life. (no kidding! look at her stats!) She only recently appeared for the first time, and seems to be working with Vinzer Deling, the Galbadian President. Her true intentions are unclear, but it seems unlikely that she will bring peace to the warring nation of Galbadia.

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