Taking Things From This Site............

           I don't mind if you take the character pictures for your own site.
(How do you think I got them?) But there are certain things you
can't take, at least not without asking me first. Here's the deal:

1. You can't take anything that is labelled as being drawn by myself or Jackie. Jackie
gave me permission to use my drawings on this site only, and until she tells me
otherwise it will stand as that.And you can't have my drawings either cause frankly,
they suck, and I don't went then all over the place.

2. You absolutely *cannot* steal my walkthrough. I worked too long too hard make my
own walkthrough and it's exclusive to FFF. It stays here.

3. If you want to archive a piece of work in the fanfic section ask me first! I'll let you use
my work as long as you give me credit and link back to my site. I'll link you too, if you
give me your URL and a banner, if you have one.

4. No stealing the rambles. Not like you would want to anyway, but just in case. Those
are exclusive to FFF.

5. You can't use any of the pictures in the Sephiroth shrine. Why? Because I got them
from a website where the webmaster spent a lot of time making them. If you want to use
the pictures, go to the site and follow the instructions for using the pictures on your site.

If you have any other questions about taking stuff, just e-mail me.
"Like anyone would want to steal anything from here..."
"Sephiroth! Great! While you're here, give them the link back to FFF." *leaves*
      "Stupid slave driver...." *sigh* "Here is your link! I must be off!" *disappears*