"Ok, who's scared out of their mind?" *waves hand*

"Oh please..."

"Sephiroth, can you *please* keep your comments to a minimum?"

"Absolutely not."

*sighs* "Anyway, I didn't fight WEAPON."

"...Tell them why."

"I don't think they care."


"Ack! You can't order me around!.....But I guess I'll tell them anyway. For one thing, I couldn't get the final attack materia for my *life*. I never even saw it as a prize at the Races, and I raced a lot. Secondly, I was too lazy to level up my Mime and Knights of the Round enough, and third, I just wanted to go kill my Sephiroth." ^_^


"Ooh! He's speechless! I did run into Ruby WEAPON once by accident. Here's that short and sad story:

Me: *flying over gold saucer with the highwind* "Hmmm...I wonder what happens if I ram into Ruby WEAPON with the Highwind! Let me be dumb and try it without bothering to save first!" *does it, takes me into battle with it* "Oh @#$%! I should have known! Let's see...what should I do....Cloud?....Tifa?.....Cid? You're all dead already? But I didn't even..."

Game: "Game over."

Me: "Oh, I am an idiot!"

So that's *that story."

"You are an idiot, aren't you?"

"Quiet you! Anyway, Brynna was kind enough to offer to give us the full scoop on the WEAPONS! Here's her story."

"Complete with my comments."

"No one cares."

"Shut up, woman!"

"Here you go. How to beat Ruby and Emerald WEAPON:

Ok, I have never done this before, so bear with me! In my opinion, Ruby and Emerald were SOOO much harder than my dearest Seph. (DON'T TELL HIM I SAID THAT =)!)

"Too late."

"Oh please. You know you're easy to beat."

"I went easy on you."


Here is your, well, sorta walkthrough of how to beat the weapons!

Emerald Weapon:
Well I will start with Emerald since he is *easier*. Well, he wasn't *easy*,  but he wasn't impossible. Well, obviously people can't breathe underwater, so the first step is to get the underwater materia. You have to get it by morphing a ghost ship into the guide book and taking it to the Kalm traveller. You really don't have to be at a high level (over 70 is suggested though!). You must have to have 3 mastered mimes, 1 knights of the round, and 3 final-attack revives combinations. I happened to have my characters maxed out cuz I was a nervous wreck, but hey! The first mistake I made was putting up wall, regen and all that crap. It wastes too much time. You have to just start casting knights of the round. It took me so many tries to figure this out. My friend Molly gave me that tip so hats off to her! That is how i beat it.  Emotions are quite simple: NERVOUS AS HELL! The first time I died, I was like "whatever", I tried, but after a while it started to piss me off! Well any sensible person would be quite aggravated. If you have the strategy guide, they try and intimadate you *way* too much! They make him sound harder than Ruby. Bull sh*t! I didn't celebrate as much when I beat this one. Well, I mean I celebrated but Ruby was the one I was really worried about! I strongly suggest You do Emerald first before Ruby! (As later explained!) Bring your prize to the Kalm traveler to see what you get in return!

"Come on! I'm harder to beat than that stupid piece of tin!"

"Sorry, hon. You're really not."


Ruby Weapon:
Well, this is the whole enchalada! What a weapon REALLY is! Boy is he one tough cookie! And ugly as hell at that! I mean there is a limit here! I would show you a picture if I could but I don't know where to get one! Yuck yuck!!! Well on to more important things. You will need the normal materia and these other additions: sheild, mega-all, final attack revive, bahumut zero, max hp and mp, mime, and I will tell you whatever else you need to know about while walking you through it. Ok. as always mastered materia is a must. So is the master magic, master summon, and master command. So now if u beat Emerald first you would have one of each of those already. Me being maxed out I had three anyway, but it is good to have at least three of each if not more!  So first you have to kill off two people cuz Ruby has a "whirlsand" attack that takes your person out of battle permanently. Not good! Once ruby pulls its claws out of the sand you are safe! Then just put up sheild, regen, haste, and all that other stuff! Then start plummeting him with limits, and bahumut zero. When bahumut zero is equipped with quad magic, it does it 4 times. So just keep miming that and heal and reput stuff up when needed.  Knights of the round is not advised. You can use it every once in a while but beware: Ruby counterattacks with ultima! Use a hero drink and then your summon will be somewhat stronger. That is how i beat him! I gave him one final hit with Cloud's knights of the round! I gave Cloud a hero drink, but hey! That's ok! I think that beating Ruby is my biggest pride!! I mean who couldn't be happy? I have a little song whenever I go by the gold saucer. Its quite simple, "no more ruby weapon!" and I have one for emerald too! its the same but instead of Ruby its Emerald! Creative, huh? Well when you Beat ruby, ya know how ememies turn red and fade out? Well, he is like that for like 10 mintues-- no joke! I was so shocked for like the rest of the day. Haha! It took me so many friggen tries it is scary! It started to get old, I mean I kept dying! But I kept trying! It might be EXTREMELY frustrating at first but just keep trying! Then trade your item into the Kalm traveler and claim your prize!! It may not sound worth it to beat the weapons, and most people just avoid them. Just think about the pride you will get from beating them! You get so much experience its really scary! It's worth it, trust me! I am excited to fight him again! If u have any unaswered questions (which you probably will!) email me at Banna84@aol.com!

Luv Always~
Brynna! (an ff7 & 8 obssesor!) =)~

I would like to give out these few thank yous!
1. Thank u molly for giving me the tips and guiding me through emerald when I was scared as stone and almost dropped the controller! luv ya!
2. Thank you for being so hot and so strong, Cloud! luv ya! =)~
3. Thank u Squaresoft for inventing the game!
4. Thank you Sam for telling me to use a hero drink! And thank u also for bringing me back to earth after i beat him! luv ya!
5. And finally thanks to Lark for posting it! I am soo excited!

"You're very much welcome! Thank YOU!"

"You should have put off killing me and killed WEAPON first."

"Why, Sephy? You don't want to be killed?"

*turns red* "Not funny."

*hugs sephy* "Sorry, hon."

"Don't call me hon, woman!"

*sighs* "Click here to go back to the FF7 section..."